Loki Series Sets Up Thor Love And Thunder

41 274
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The Problem With Fantastic Four.
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If Avengers Movie Was A Musical
Опубликовано 15 июня 2021, 13:45
Time travel is a tricky thing and it’s going to have consequences. In the MCU, the person experiencing those consequences is the one person for whom consequences never seem to stick. The Asgards Magician has died only to turn out to not have died so many times that even when Thanos proclaimed there would be no tricks, no one believed it. After some time traveling heroes failed to account for an angry Hulk, the Trickster God found his loophole via a loose Tesseract. Good ol’ God of lies escaping consequences again...except, maybe not. On his new Disney+ series, the Asgards Magician has found himself locked in the cosmic bureaucracy of Owen Wilson's Time Cops. Or...has he? The Time Cops have a long history with the God of lies hammer swinging brother including an earlier, more sinister version of these time watchers. Early attempts at using the benefit of time and experience didn’t go so well. The One Who Was Left Behind thought that the next world could benefit from the previous and created what he thought would be Time Keepers but instead created Time Twisters. When you have a name like Time Twisters you end up doing things twisted, like working their way back through the timeline they were created at the end of, and instead of learning from this universe they just started erasing it backward until Zarrko the Man of Tomorrow decided to bury the hatchet with his old Hammer-Thrower foe, Jane Foster, and the Warriors Three to put a stop to it. Could this be what’s really behind these time police? What role do you think they will have in the upcoming MCU movie? Let us know in the comments and while you’re there be sure to like and subscribe for the latest videos.

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00:00 Intro
00:34 Time Keepers vs Time Twisters
03:13 Thunderboy v Time Twisters
06:05 The Hammer-Thrower and Gorr

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Written by: Ryan Carbrey
Narrated by: Michael Neeb
Edited by: Travis G.

For copyright matters please contact us at: legal@valnetinc.com
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