Naruto: 20 Unsolved Mysteries Explained!

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Опубликовано 21 июня 2021, 16:45
This anime, Shippuden, and Boruto are all anime legends at this point. Well...Boruto hasn’t quite gotten there yet but it will. Few anime dive quite as deeply into their universes and lore as this beloved series has. The show has so many flashback episodes, reveals and ancient history that you could likely craft an entire series out of these elements alone. As much as this anime tried to tie up every loose end that it could, there were still a few unanswered questions that slipped through the cracks.

Some of these are minor things. Things like Kakashi’s facial insecurities, Jiraiya’s publisher, and a certain famous jacket are small details only the most obsessed Orange Ninja fan would care about. Then there are the major issues. There are many important characters whose origins we still do not know. Characters like Orochimaru seem to have come out of nowhere. Then there are the life-ending events that are still mysterious. Characters like Hashirama and Itachi left the mortal world under a shroud of mystery. There are so many questions left to ask that we’ll need twenty more years of the series to answer them. All these years later, I still don’t understand just how the Infinite Tsukuyomi would’ve worked in the long term. It still seems like poor planning to me.

So what are the biggest unanswered questions dangling in this anime world right now? Let’s try to figure it out together. Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share for more awesome anime content from CBR.


00:00 Intro
00:31 The End of Hashirama
01:35 Why wasn’t Yamato his teacher the whole time?
02:27 Sakura’s Genjutsu
03:27 Orange Ninja's Childhood
04:19 Kurama and The Noisy Ninja
05:24 What happened to the Senju Clan?
05:47 Where does Orochimaru come from?
06:37 Rock Lee and Jutsu
07:19 Metal Lee’s mother
08:01 Itachi’s Disease
09:03 The Akatsuki Rings
09:50 Kakashi’s Sharingan
10:50 Why did Danzo wait so long?
11:42 Kakashi’s face
12:23 Hayate’s illness
13:25 Sasuke’s hawk
14:07 Hashirama’s cells
15:06 How would Infinite Tsukuyomi work?
15:56 Jiraiya’s Books
16:26 The Jacket!

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Written by: Jordan Phillips
Narrated by: Justin Freitas @JustinFreitasVO
Edited by: Dr. Teuts

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