8 Strongest Moon Knight Villains Ranked

172 438
Опубликовано 25 февраля 2022, 13:45
Ya know, the forthcoming Moon Knight series presents me with a bit of an interesting predicament.

Normally, when something new in the MCU is coming out, my friends and family usually turn to me to tell them about the character and give my thoughts about what they should expect from the show. But, Moon Knight is one of those characters that tends to keep to himself, so figuring out what sort of things we could see in the show is tough, because I can’t rely on other MCU connections really.

So instead, I have to look at his solo comic series, which got me thinking about MK’s rogues gallery, and how many of them are fairly unique just to him. Most Marvel villains have some crossover between heroes. But that isn’t really the case with Moon Knight.

So who are his villains, and who among them are the most dangerous? Well, in this video I’m gonna take a look at a small handful of them and rank them by how much of a threat to MK they pose. So without any further ado, let’s go ahead and dive right into it.

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0:00 - Intro
1:00 - Stained Glass Scarlet
3:03 - Midnight Man
4:52 - Bushman
6:20 - Midnight
9:06 - The Zodiac Cartel
10:49 - Werewolf By Night
12:19 - Shadow Knight
14:04 - Moon Shade

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Written by: John Aljets @BenderWaffles
Narrated by: John Aljets @BenderWaffles
Edited by: John Aljets @BenderWaffles

For copyright matters please contact us at: legal@valnetinc.com
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