14 NEW Avengers That Phase 5 Will Introduce

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84 дня – 2 6812:01
Captain America Switches Weapons.
Опубликовано 16 января 2023, 13:45
Marvel has announced its plans for Phase 5 and we have a lot to talk about and speculate, particularly about which of the new Avengers we can expect to see in the next year. In this video we will talk about the comic series Secret Invasion, rumors about Storm, Wolverine, The Fantastic Four and much more! Which of the heroes can we expect to see? Who is going to be introduced and included in the MCU? We are all excited about phase 5 and what’s to come, and knowing that Marvel has their sneaky ways of introducing characters and even dropping hints of when we can see them, there is no way we wouldn’t gather all the evidence and compile this list for fans just like us. Are you curious and excited about phase 5? So are we! Let us know which characters you think we can expect to see in phase 5, and which ones you really hope to see. We included our most favorite ones in the video and we hope you enjoy. Like and subscribe for future videos just like this and make sure to check out our links in the description for more exciting superhero content!

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0:00 - Intro
00:19 - Ant Girl
1:36 - Ghost Rider
2:50 - Spiderwoman
03:53 -Agent Venom
05:10 - Blade
06:57 - X-Men
07:18 - Storm
08:20 - Beast
09:32 - Wolverine
10:54 - Abigail Brand
12:14 - Fantastic Four
12:29 - Invisible Woman
13:45 - Human Torch
15:01 - The Thing

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Written by: S. Sumaira
Narrated by: Grant Kellett
Edited by: Tim McDonald @timebombtips

For copyright matters please contact us at: legal@valnetinc.com
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