Did The Bad Batch Introduce A New Star Wars Animated Series?

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Опубликовано 30 марта 2024, 14:00
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As "Star Wars: The Bad Batch" nears its dramatic conclusion in its third season, fans anticipate the climactic clash at Mount Tantiss between the clones and their adversaries, marking an end to the series. Despite the bittersweet finale, the latest episodes hint at a potential new animated Star Wars series.

Clone Force 99, first introduced in "Star Wars: The Clone Wars," has journeyed from witnessing the transition from Clones to Stormtroopers to exploring the dynamics within the Imperial Senate. This opens up possibilities for Rex, Echo, and their allies to continue their story in a spin-off that could seamlessly follow "The Bad Batch," promising more tales of their fight for freedom.

#starwars #badbatch #animation #series #spinoff

Read the original article here - cbr.com/the-bad-batch-setup-re...
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