How To Wash A Cat At Home

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Опубликовано 20 марта 2017, 13:45
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Instructions on how to wash a cat

Step 1:

Frequent washing will not benefit your cat, therefore it is only available for the required readings. It is the presence of fleas and other parasites, or very dirty fur. The forthcoming exhibition also can be a reason for washing.

Step 2:

A cat cannot be washed with human shampoo, because humans and cats are different acidic-alkaline balance of the skin. Shampoo for men, you'll only hurt your pet. So you need to buy a special shampoo for cats. In pet stores a huge number of them, and they differ from vendor purpose (fleas for cats) and the type of wool. Perfect for long-haired shampoo with added conditioner. They help get rid of tangles and to smooth hair and has an antistatic effect for a long time. For short-haired cats will use a standard shampoo that will give hair Shine and silkiness. Wool "dlinnosherstok" it requires more careful care and daily brushing.

Step 3:

Bathing a cat should be after 4 hours after a meal. Keep calm, do not let the cat in question today and feel the charm of the upcoming bathing. Barely catching your mood, the cat climb under the Cabinet or sofa.

Step 4:

The water in the bath should be poured in advance of centimeters on 15. The water temperature should be 25-30 degrees. Prepare everything you need and be sure to get a helper as the fast and the furious animals cannot cope alone. As for fixing the "patient" there is no consensus. Who else will adapt. In addition, one person holds the cat by the scruff of the neck and legs, and you foam. The more helpers the easier it is. But who will they let the dimensions of the room.

Step 5:

Lather the animal, avoiding the ears, eyes and nose. Foam need from ears to tail. Then turn on the shower very thin stream and began to wash off the foam with the neck, moving to the tail. Pay special attention to the paws and belly. The sooner you do, the easier it is for you and your cat.

Step 6:

After that, rinse with shampoo, hold hands on wet hair to remove excess water. Then immediately wrap the pet in a towel, as cats are very sensitive to cold.

Step 7:

Some cats are experiencing is quite normal drying. Unfortunately, in the minority, but it's worth the risk. If the drying procedure is not successful, then turn on the heater and put the cat to the battery. The main thing-to close all Windows, so there was one version of the drafts.Another blow-drying, place the cat in a carrier and turn on the Hairdryer on the lowest setting. But remember that the coat of the cat no less terrible than the washing process, so check the cat's heart.