Chicken liver with onions and carrot

96 254
GlebSky4.67 тыс
Опубликовано 17 января 2018, 20:24
Chicken liver with onions and carrot

Combination of chicken liver with onions and balsamic vinegar works great. This easy and tasty recipe takes very short time to cook chicken liver.

Chicken livers 1lb
Onions 2-3 medium
Garlic 3-5 cloves
Carrot 1 medium
Balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon
Fresh parsley
Vegetable oil
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste

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Cut onions, garlic and carrot.
Heat Vegetable oil in a skillet, add onions, garlic and carrot. Stir periodically until onions soft.
Season chicken livers with salt and ground peper to taste.
Move mixture to outer edges and add chicken livers to the center and cook 3-4 minutes at each side.
Stir liver with misxture.
Add 1 table spoon of balsamic vinegar and stir to combine. Cook 1 minutes then cover and remove from fire.
Garnish with chopped parsley/

#liver #chicken #recipe #recipes