Andy Touch ( Unity Technologies) - Hands-On with the Unity 5 Game Engine

DevGAMM27.2 тыс
Опубликовано 27 мая 2015, 7:36
Unity 5 is here for everyone to use. The latest version of the industry-standard, cross-platform game engine brings a variety of new features, such as Physically-Based Rendering, Reflections, Global Illumination, Audio Mixing, 2D Physics Area Effectors and more! This session will be a hands-on, in-editor walkthrough of these features and how to easily set them up for use in your games and projects.

Ever since he added physics to 100 cubes and watched them bounce around, Andy Touch has been addicted to experimenting with gaming technology. Having previously taught game development to University students, he is now part of Unity Technologies‘ Evangelism team helping to spread the word of the game engine and to show off what it can do