Why Minecraft Will NEVER End! | The SCIENCE of... Minecraft

2 661 916
12.12.20 – 6 518 10416:58
Game Theory: FNAF, The New Breed
Опубликовано 10 декабря 2020, 19:05
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We all know Minecraft is a BIG game. Not just in popularity, but in the scope of what you can do. You see, there are so many WAYS to play Minecraft... but how many? Would any one person ever be able to play every combination of the game in their lifetime? Today Austin is going to try to answer the question of "How BIG is Minecraft?"

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Game Theories:
The Tragedy of Deltarune (Undertale) ► bit.ly/2PxobaR
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How To SURVIVE A Nuclear Fallout! ► bit.ly/2Aaeo1s
MONIKA: Google's Newest Creation! ►► bit.ly/2G3uifh
Minecraft Diamonds DECODED! ►► bit.ly/2IHqk0n
The Move That BROKE Pokemon! ►► bit.ly/2JCwEHP

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