UX Maturity at DICE: A Bottom-Up Approach to UX Buy-In / Erik Ortman (EA DICE)

DevGAMM26.7 тыс
Опубликовано 22 марта 2021, 13:00
Erik Ortman, Senior UX Designer at EA DICE, presents the journey he and his team has undergone in an effort to shift the conversation from “my feature is complete, now add UX” to “I have an idea for a feature, how can I realize it using UX thinking?”. The talk showcases concrete examples on how to successfully engage with different stakeholders in a game team when working as a UX Designer and some of the tools you can use as a Game Designer to get started working with UX methodologies, as well as some of the challenges they still face and what they are doing to tackle them.
#DevGAMM #gamedevelopment #ux

0:00 – Intro
0:49 – UX in DICE
8:40 – Design For UI
20:16 – Design For Experiences
30:17 – Design For Emotions
43:14 – Summary
46:06 – Q&A

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