Far Cry 6: Why Its Largest Location Yet Is the Right Step for the Series

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IGN18.2 млн
29 дней – 755 3054:31:53
Sony State of Play May 2024 Livestream
Опубликовано 28 мая 2021, 17:15
Far Cry 6 not only takes its location to the next, country-wide level, but also attempts to perfectly mould a distinct visual and cultural identity within its new setting: the Cuba-inspired, fictional country of Yara.

After a brief hands-off showcase of Far Cry 6, in which I saw a healthy glimpse of everything from a Dachshund called Chorizo in a wheelchair, to a disc launcher that fires out CDs playing the Macarena, something less ostentatious caught my eye. The true bold step for the series appears to be the new Far Cry location of Yara, and the attention to detail applied to building Far Cry’s first ever full country-scale open-world.