Elden Ring - Photo Mode Mod Gameplay

81 814
IGN18.9 млн
Опубликовано 8 марта 2022, 10:00
Upset about the lack of an Elden Ring Photo Mode? Well, PC players, rejoice! Thanks to modder Otis_Inf, Elden Ring now has its very own photo mode mod, featuring an Elden Ring pause control function, FOV options, full camera movement/rotate options and a lot more.

Outside of the obvious list of features, you can also control the game speed for slow-motion or sped-up gameplay, toggle on and off the HUD and even increase the level of detail within the game world too.

Otis_Inf can be found via his Patreon link, which includes installing info, how to's and a link to download the mod:

#IGN #Gaming #EldenRing