Bath song – songs for kids 🧼 Funny kids video with Gleb and Kira Show.
🧽 Bath song – songs for kids. Funny kids video with Kira and Gleb. ✨ Gleb and Kira Show ✨ – Kids channel with many funny stories.
42 845
Kids Halloween party 🧛 Vlog: Halloween for kids with Gleb and Kira Show.
🎃 Kids Halloween party. Vlog: Halloween for kids with Kira and Gleb. Happy Halloween! ✨ Gleb and Kira Show ✨ – Kids channel with many funny stories.
3 669
Kira and Gleb and the Sleepwalking Story
Gleb walks in his sleep like a lunatic. Kira is looking for a way to help him. A story for children about sleepwalking. "Sleepwalker" – story for kids from Kira and Gleb.
149 267
Gleb and Kira and story for kids. Wash Your Hands story.
🚿 Gleb and Kira - wash your hands story. Story time for children. Gleb and Kira show children the rules of behavior. Now children will understand how important it is to wash their hands.
16 546
Kira's Birthday. Kids vlog.
🥳Kira celebrates her birthday! She is 5 years old! Kira's friends gathered to congratulate her on her birthday and cheerfully celebrate this event. Children's vlog: my birthday and my birthday gifts.
1 422
Fashion Style 2020 🌟 Vlogs: Kira and other children model at a fashion show
👸 Children's fashion show at Russian festival Fashion Style 2020. vlogs: Cyrus models and other children are involved in a fashion show. Watch the video and experience the world of children's fashion.
1 372
Kira had a dream about Christmas. Videos for children
⛄ A cheerful dream about winter, Christmas and New Year. Children's video: what a little girl Kira once dreamed about. A funny story from a children's vlog. Kids video: Christmas for kids.
1 990
Kira and Gleb play with toys. Mom helps children play together
Kira and Gleb play with toys. Mom helps children play together ✨ Gleb and Kira Show ✨ – Kids channel with interesting and funny stories.
51 849
Kira's mom play princesses. Ice cream for Princess 🍧
🍦 Children's video about how Kira decided to outwit her mother Nastya by dressing up as a little princess in order to get a lot of ice cream. Kira, like many children, is very fond of ice cream.
68 755
Gleb and Kira play and learn colors. Songs for children in English
Gleb and Kira play and learn colors. Songs for children in English Funny song about the colors: 🔴 – RED, 🔵 – BLUE, 🟢 – GREEN, 🟡 – YELLOW, ⚪ – WHITE, ⚫ – BLACK.
5 985
Kira and Gleb vs Pesky Flies! Story for kids.
🐝 Kira and Gleb were playing. But suddenly flies appeared and disturbed them. Kira and Gleb came up with how to get rid of pesky flies. Story for kids.
91 963
Kira, Gleb and mom study nature and play hide and seek. Vlog: children in the park.
🦔 A walk in the park can be not only useful, but also very interesting.
15 143
Kira plays in the entertainment center 🏰 Amusement park with playgrounds and trampolines.
🎊 Kira and the kids play in the entertainment center. Kira loves to visit the amusement park with playgrounds and trampolines.
14 828
Kira wants to be Slim, Exercises and eats Healthy food 💪 Kids video.
✨ Gleb and Kira Show ✨ – Kids channel with many funny stories. 📌subscribe to the channel for children Kira and Gleb, in order not to get bored in their spare time and see new videos |
42 225
Unpacking toys: doll POOPSIE slime Surprise 💃 Overview toys from Kira, and how to make Slyme.
🎀 Unpacking toys. Today the POOPSIE slime surprise doll got into the review of toys from Kira.
Make big drawings with Kira and Gleb. Kids vlog: how to draw big animals.
🎨 Make big drawings with Kira and Gleb. Kids vlog: how to draw big animals. ✨ Gleb and Kira Show ✨ – Kids channel with funny stories from Gleb and Kira.
101 231
Kira plays in a beauty salon
💄 Kira wanted to become beautiful like a mother, and for this she decided to do makeup. We play beauty salon for children! Kids makeup from Kira on the channel for children! Story for kids.
8 182
Monster under my bed. Kids video 🎃 Happy Halloween!
🦇 "Monster under my bed" – kids video. Happy Halloween! Watch the video and learn about what happened to Kira on Halloween.
6 541
Gleb and Kira wants to be taller & jump on a trampoline
Gleb wants to jump on a trampoline, but he is short. He comes up with different ways to get taller, and Kira helps him ✨ Gleb and Kira Show ✨ – Kids channel with interesting and funny stories.
5 893
Cooking a cake with the children with their own hands 🎂 Video from Gleb and Kira Show
🍰 We prepare a delicious cake with our own hands with the children. A video for children about how Kira and her mother Nastya prepare a cake for Gleb's birthday at home.
7 550
Kira and Gleb pretend play Monster under the bed story. Kids video.
👾 Kira and Gleb pretend play Monster under the bed story. Kids video with funny story. ✨ Gleb and Kira Show ✨ – Kids channel with funny stories from Gleb and Kira.
151 150
Kira arranged a beauty salon for children
💅Kira and mom Nastya set up a home beauty salon: they study cosmetics for children and make a make-up. But how quickly can you do baby makeup and become a little princess?
4 527
Christmas dream Gleb and Kira Show
🎄 Summer dream about Christmas and New Year. A video for children about what a little girl Kira once dreamed of on a hot July day. In summer, dreams of winter, and in winter - of summer 😀.
1 389
Kira and Gleb are taught to conduct chemistry experiments for children with their mother
Kira and Gleb are taught to conduct chemistry experiments for children with their mother ✨ Gleb and Kira Show ✨ – Kids channel with many funny stories.
Kira teaches children how to do an experiment in the field. Fountain and the foam of cola
Kira and her brother arranged experiments in the field with children!
Kira and Gleb play and joke with mom. A funny story for children
Kira and Gleb play and joke with mom. A funny story for children ✨ Gleb and Kira Show ✨ – Kids channel with many funny stories.
Кукла LOL SURPRISE 😃 ВЫИГРАЙ куклу ЛОЛ 💝 распаковка и розыгрыш 🧚 doll LOL surprise выиграть
Gleb and Kira Show ДАРИТ ПОДАРКИ СВОИМ ПОДПИСЧИКАМ! Хочешь выиграть модную куклу LOLsurprise серии OMG или крутую машинку-транформер Бамблби на пульте управления?
1 242
Kira and Gleb in a funny story for children children's video
Look what happened when mom decided to arrange fun games for children. The best stories with children, when they conduct experiments for children with children.
7 056
Дети Играют На Детской Площадке 😎Кира И Глеб Готовят Попкорн🍿Как Сделать Попкорн❓
Дети играют на детской площадке и закончился ПОПКОРН. Кира придумала как приготовить попкорн в казане. Глеб готовит попкорн из кукурузы.
2 364
ЧЕЛЛЕНДЖ с едой ПОЙМАЙ ЕДУ ЕСЛИ СМОЖЕШЬ мама Настя придумала веселый детский челлендж
Мама устроила челлендж. Веселый челлендж для детей это развлечения для всей семьи. Смотри наше видео для детей , дети и новый челлендж. Игрушка для детей "Сумасшедшая корона" - челлендж про еду.