Google Webmasters

664 тыс
62 млн
1 953
10 Янв 2009
17.08.10 2:30
Can a site's downtime affect its ranking?
Last year, one of my client's webservers went down for over a day. Would this have affected the site's PageRank at all?
11 656
16.08.10 2:47
Can I use robots.txt to optimize Googlebot's crawl?
Can I use robots.txt to optimize Googlebot's crawl? For example, can I disallow all but one section of a site (for a week) to ensure it is crawled, and then revert to a 'normal' robots.txt?
29 708
11.08.10 2:17
Are there any plans to implement a "negative keyword" meta tag?
An orphanage website I work on is showing up for searches on "girls in bathrooms" because they have an article about renovating the girls bathroom!
7 126
10.08.10 3:21
Does PageRank take into account cross-browser compatibility?
Does PageRank take into account cross-browser compatibility? If a site isn't compatible with certain browsers, does that make a difference for Googlebot?Land Lubber, Colorado
7 127
09.08.10 2:27
Why doesn't search query data in Webmaster Tools appear to match what I see when searching?
How come the search queries report in Webmaster Tools shows some keywords ranking and when we search for them they are nowhere to be found?   SurfVoucher, Costa Rica
7 496
04.08.10 1:26
Can a spammy website affect the ranking of other sites hosted on the same server?
My SEO client is using shared hosting for one of their websites. When I checked other sites hosted on their server, I found some spammy websites. Will that affect ranking of my client's website?
27 319
03.08.10 2:43
Do tag clouds help or hinder SEO?
Do tag clouds help or hinder SEO? (or do they have no effect)? sppro, New York
53 475
02.08.10 2:26
Are Chrome's 'usage statistics' used in evaluating site speed?
Are Chrome's 'usage statistics' used in evaluating site speed?Blind Five Year Old, SF, CA
4 225
28.07.10 2:29
Will adding my Twitter feed to my website increase my PageRank?
An SEO suggested that I take all the content on my Twitter page and auto-feed it into a section on my website. Will this really help my site's PageRank?
20 127
27.07.10 1:38
Can you make the realtime results more conspicuous?
Love the new "real time" results displaying on SERP. Is it possible to distinguish these from the other results with a different background colour or surrounding border?
4 011
26.07.10 3:12
Should I remove widgets that increase my site's load time?
I'm trying to make my site faster, but I noticed that Facebook widgets slows down download, should i remove them? I think that it's usefull for users see how many people likes a page, don't you?
9 542
21.07.10 4:23
Where do you see Google in 5 years?
Where do you see Google in 5 years? If there was one thing you would or could dispense/destroy/enhance/create/change on the internet, what would it be and why?Feb Sontain, London
10 047
20.07.10 2:34
How can a photographer's image-focused site gain PageRank?
How would a photographer gain any significant PageRank for his or her site when the subject that really matters—images—has no anchor text?
16 980
19.07.10 2:56
What is the benefit of using the change of address tool in Google Webmaster Tools?
What is the benefit of using the Change of Address tool in Google Webmaster Tools, compared to just setting up the required 301 redirections to the new site?
15 097
16.07.10 2:06
Introduction to Video Sitemaps
Can your videos be found on Google? Learn about Video Sitemaps, which help make your video content easier for users to search on Google. For more info, visit
59 000
14.07.10 2:11
Can a purchased domain's history affect its trust in Google?
I bought a domain 7 months ago. The website I put on it still doesn't show in the SERPs. Since 2000 it's had different owners - used by a co.
13 141
13.07.10 3:11
What is the best way to check your own site for keyword rankings?
What is the best way to check your own site for keyword rankings, e.g if I wanted to target a new phrase and wanted to check the progress of its ranking - what is the best way to check it?
77 191
12.07.10 1:15
Is PageRank calculated differently for domains registered before 2004?
Is it true that domains registered before 2004 have a totally different way of getting PageRank? i.e.
9 779
08.07.10 1:51
How does Google handle a page containing multiple languages?
"How would Google consider (and rank) a site that uses meta data and URLs in a language (Italian) and has the h1 of the pages in another (English) considered more appealing for users?
12 590
07.07.10 3:58
How can a website compete using only white hat techniques?
How can a website compete for high rankings using only white hat techniques in industries that are dominated by spammers if Google takes months to react to spam reports and by that time new black
20 170
30.06.10 2:24
Are Google SERPs the same on all browsers?
Do your SERPs return the exact same results on all browsers? (i.e. Same results on IE6, IE7, FF2, FF3, Opera, Chrome, etc)?Land Lubber, Colorado
18 276
29.06.10 2:07
Should I use the nofollow attribute on internal links?
Regarding "nofollow" on internal links: Does it hurt? Does it help? I read different comments from Matt on this matter over time. What's the latest?Roland, Bangkok
33 062
28.06.10 1:48
Should I serve Googlebot content-only pages optimized for load speed?
Google announced page load speed matters for ranking. Should we be doing content-only pages for Google bots? (By removing images and loads of CSS & JS)Remiz Rahnas, Kerala, India
8 352
23.06.10 1:59
Why doesn't Google Places allow access by multiple users?
It's not good for security when I have to ask clients to share their Google credentials with me so I can help edit their Google Places listings.
7 399
22.06.10 2:44
How important is the frequency of updates on a blog?
Some people are under the impression that blogs are good for SEO only if they're updated frequently. How much does frequency play into PageRank for blogs & other dynamic sites?
28 706
21.06.10 2:13
How do you protect your blog from hackers?
I just visited your blog. I noticed it was built with WordPress. How do you keep it safe from hackers? Ever since I got PR 5 last month - I've got dozens of hack attempts a minute.
13 272
16.06.10 1:49
Are you going to do another 30 day challenge?
Are you going to do another 30 day challenge? Blind Five Year Old, SF, CA
5 715
15.06.10 3:47
What's your take on "addon domains"?
What's your take on "addon domains?" Does Google penalize someone for having one or more addon domains on their main website, (or if they're self-hosting)? e.g.
25 402
14.06.10 2:05
How much traffic do you think is generated by marketers searching for their own target keywords?
AdWords keyword tool gives an estimate of search traffic for a specific (or broad) keyword - How much (%) of this traffic do you believe are search marketers, SEO's, analysts and even business
9 603
09.06.10 3:21
Why aren't breadcrumbs displaying in search results for my site?
Any updates on "Site hierarchies display in search results" (AKA breadcrumbs)? My site has clear breadcrumbs, but Google isn't using them in search results.
14 405
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