When I`m Upset - S3EP27 Kindergarten Fun | LooLoo Kids Songs for Kids

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LooLoo Kids59.9 млн
Опубликовано 27 сентября 2022, 12:30
How are you today? Find a game with Johny and Friends and change your mood! A great song to help kids handle challenging emotions.

Adjusting to the new reality of going to kindergarten can be a challenge to many toddlers. Our newest song "When I'm Upset" aims to familiarize kids with this new reality, of spending some time away from their nurturing parents, for the first time.

We at LooLoo Kids are well aware of the daily challenges that little ones face, and we try to enshrine in kids effective emotion-regulation strategies for distressing situations - in general. Finding ways to help them deal with anger and fear from a very young age can lead to a more balanced adult.

The song also offers children a new way of being there for each other, to offer emotional support to friends and colleagues, when they recognise these feelings of distress in others.

All these are packed in a very playful and natural way, accessible to every toddler! "When I'm Upset" can be the starting point to a meaningful conversation for parents, also, to find out more about the feelings of their little ones, what they are going through and how to manage such moments.

Fun children songs and classic nursery rhymes are once again the perfect occasion for wonderful adventures, full of entertaining and funny events, an ideal opportunity for kids to learn about our diverse world, about animals, the alphabet and, most importantly, about their emotions and feelings, about the power of friendship and the significance of kindness.

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When I'm upset
When I feel blue
I don't like that
And so do you

Just find your way
To change your mood
A game you play
To feel good!

There is a way
To change my mood
I ride my skateboard
And I feel good

There is a way
To change my mood
I solve a puzzle
And then I feel good

When I'm upset
When I feel blue
I don't like that
And neither do you

There is a way
To change my mood
I try on dresses
And then I feel good
I feel so pretty!

There is a way
To change my mood
I build a toy house
And then I feel good
So good!

There is a way
To change my mood
I pet my puppy

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Enjoy other LooLoo Kids Nursery Rhymes and Children's Songs👇

Choose a toy and play! - youtu.be/fp2JtLCckfM
Splish, Splash, Bubble, Bubble! - youtu.be/mc_Weykib1k
Hello Song - youtu.be/_GCdn9dFcaA
Who Took The Cookies - youtu.be/Sp8-6_lZ-QU
My Little Neighbor - youtu.be/JvxuRjJfBIQ
My Family - youtu.be/CFa5LR1jPms
Vehicles Song - youtu.be/jK55m7cYFYM
Seven Continents - youtu.be/RtsW15JTVLI

LooLoo Kids is a registered trademark of MORA TV. For licensing & distribution, visit and contact us at loolookids.com

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