How Hard Does Your School Party?

1 331 213
BuzzFeed Video19.9 млн
11.09.13 – 3 723 6602:03
8 Creatures You Won't Believe Exist
157 дней – 9 7671:23:46
Best of Mom in Progress S1
Опубликовано 9 сентября 2013, 20:30
A quick test to see if your school is, indeed, a party school. 
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All rankings come from Princeton Reviews's List of the Top Party Schools (

Song Credit: used under cc license. 

Video/Photo Credits - in order: 

UCSB Party -by sbpartyscene - (used by permission)

Palmer Fest 2012 House Fire and SWAT by Swaythecrowd - (used by permission)

Keg Still by flickr user booleansplit - (used under CC Attribution License)

Penn State Campus Still via Getty/Rob Car

St. Patricks Celebration still via Getty/Michael Nagle

The Lion's Den still via Flickr user c_conn - under CC Attribution License)
UCSB Campus still via Flickr user JayGalvin -  (used under CC Attribution License)

Couch burning by Brian Gallagher used by permission

Colorado 4/20 Stills via Getty/Chris Hondros

University of Iowa Party Footage via Joshua Distaction used by Permission