FAT STACKS - A Breaking Bad musical
Walt and Jesse strike it rich cooking delicious meals for people.
1 035 191
The Discovery of Fire
A celebration of mankind and Fire - our most enduring ally. Its discovery was the most important moment in our species' history.
519 260
The Good of the One - Spock tribute - by Melodysheep
Spock wrestles with his human emotions and embraces his friendship with Kirk and the crew.
814 487
BEYOND THE HORIZON - Symphony of Science + The Planetary Society
Created in collaboration with The Planetary Society on their 35th anniversary. Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Emily Lakdawalla and Carl Sagan reflect humanity's next frontier: beyond the horizon.
1 809 406
Symphony Of Science - Waves Of Light
Symphony of Science returns! A musical celebration of light and how it tells the story of our universe. Featuring Brian Cox.
1 644 786
Creativity & Magic : Photoshop Remixed
Photoshop asked me to remix their youtube channel for its 25th birthday. DO THE INSANE AND CRAZY!! Up next: New Symphony of Science! Subscribe for more remixes.
418 304
Window On The Universe - Hubble Anniversary Tribute
Happy Birthday Hubble! A remix tribute crafted from National Geographic's "Hubble's Cosmic Journey". Re-uploaded due to some issues. Coming soon: new Symphony of Science and more!
290 045
SAVE OUR SONS - Game of Thrones remixed (Season 2)
A song of war and freedom in three parts. Season 2 of Game of Thrones remixed.
3 065 914
Just Surf The Net
A musical tribute to the internet's golden age: the 1990s.
484 217
MIDNIGHT SUN - New album from Melodysheep
Listen & Buy: melodysheep.bandcamp.com/album/midnight-sun If you like the music behind my remixes, check out my new album.
129 233
Robin Williams - "Seize the Day" - by Melodysheep
A musical tribute to the great Robin Williams. mp3: itunes.apple.com/us/album/seize-the-day-single/id911648189 Subscribe for more remixes and mash-ups.
5 291 714
What is a God? (feat. Jason Silva)
Buy the music track here: itunes.apple.com/us/album/forgotten-gods-single/id876073834 "It makes good sense to revere the sun and the stars ...
762 884
The Dragons Daughter - Game Of Thrones Tribute Remix
A musical tour through the world of Game of Thrones! (Season 1 only). mp3: itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-dragons-daughter-single/id849092902 Subscribe for more remixes and mashups.
6 905 401
Bill Nye - The Joy of Discovery - by Melodysheep
A marvelous excerpt from Bill Nye's recent debate set to original music. Subscribe for more science mashups and remixes! Get the song on iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/album/joy-discovery-feat.
931 499
Holiday Emergency (EXPLICIT) - Christmas Vacation Remix
Happy holidays! My remix of the holiday classic Christmas Vacation. Help us caption & translate this video! amara.org/v/fUXX
397 071
Steve Irwin Tribute - Wildest Things in the World - by Melodysheep
A musical tribute to the legendary conservationist & crocodile hunter Steve Irwin. mp3: melodysheep.bandcamp.com/album/remixes-for-the-soul-volume-ii Subscribe for more remixes and tributes!
3 654 228
Monsters Of The Cosmos - Symphony Of Science
Symphony of Science returns! Morgan Freeman and a choir of scientists sing to you about the science and freakiness of black holes.
4 465 717
'The Power of Music' - Old Spice/Terry Crews remix
An assault on the senses: a remix of the classic Terry Crews old spice ads. This one was intense to create, I think I'll go meditate for a while.
2 123 460
"Blue & Beautiful" - Neil Armstrong Tribute
A musical tribute to the legendary Neil Armstrong.
622 597
'Keep Rolling' - Falling Skies Remix
A songification of the crazy Spielberg show Falling Skies. Now with 50% more aliens. fallingskies.com All new June 9th Sundays 10/9c Subscribe for more remixes and science shorts!
942 954
New Girl Remixed
Fox asked me to remix their show New Girl. Behold! The first of a few commission videos I have on the way this month. Then back to your regularly scheduled programming. Stay tuned sheeplings!
959 338
Mr. Willie - BAM!Wal-Mart greeter remix
A remix of Mr. Willie, legendary Arkansas Wal-Mart greeter!
1 905 110
Escaping Earth with Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman wants you to go to space. Music and editing by melodysheep. New remixes coming soon!
496 272
Lucky Charms remix - 'Magically Delicious'
I got the chance to give some vintage Lucky Charms the remix treatment ... enjoy!
15 964 887
Symphony of Science - Secret of the Stars
A musical celebration of E=MC squared and Einstein's theory of relativity. Featuring Michio Kaku, Brian Cox, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Brian Greene and Lisa Randall. Subscribe for more videos!
3 020 414
Humanity's Epoch : ANTHROPOCENE
elementascience.org A look at Humanity's geological epoch: the Anthropocene.
363 635
The Wtf Singalong (Explicit)
for more shit like this support me on patreon: patreon.com/melodysheep mp3: melodysheep.bandcamp.com/album/remixes-for-the-soul Sources: youtube.com/watch?v=8J9MBH_dG94
6 163 350
"The Face of Creation" - Higgs remix
Celebrate 2012's greatest scientific discovery with a remix by melodysheep! In collaboration with 2012:Mashed channel4.com/programmes/2012-mashed See you in 2013! ~the sheep
561 218
TERRA LUMINA - a new science album from melodysheep!
iTunes: bit.ly/RC6q7I Amazon: amzn.to/WnCRYZ From melodysheep, the creator of Symphony of Science, comes an original album focused on the most awe-inspiring aspects of the natural
131 250
Melodysheep Recap 2012 - Year of the Sheep
A look back at some of my creations of 2012. See you in 2013!
113 420