Symphony of Science - 'Our Place in the Cosmos' (ft. Sagan, Dawkins, Kaku, Jastrow)
"Our Place in the Cosmos", the third video from the Symphony of Science, was crafted using samples from Carl Sagan's Cosmos, Richard Dawkins' Genius of Charles Darwin series, Dawkins' TED Talk
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Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected' (ft. Sagan, Feynman, deGrasse Tyson & Bill Nye)
MP3 available at
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Carl Sagan - 'A Glorious Dawn' ft Stephen Hawking (Symphony of Science)
My own musical tribute to two great men of science. Carl Sagan and his cosmologist companion Stephen Hawking present: A Glorious Dawn - Cosmos remixed.
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Billy Mays - "We Can Help" - The Auto-tune Infomercial Ballad (ft. the Scatman)
Billy Mays returns from the afterlife to sing about his favorite products, and enlists the also-deceased Scatman John to deliver an auto-tuned & quantized scat-bridge for his song.
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Auto-tune the News #6 on Piano
This is my second piano rendition of an episode of Auto-tune the news. Once again, props to the Gregory brothers for creating these masterpieces! Always looking forward to the next installment.
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Auto-Tune the News #2 on Piano
Props to the Gregory brothers! This is my attempt at a piano rendition of the most popular Auto-tune the News episode (#2). The faster speech parts are sometimes fudged but the general idea is there.
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Accordion / Piano Duet (Original Song)
Here is a duet for piano and accordion that I wrote about a month ago. It is one of a handful of accordion songs I've written, and I may post more on here if this one is well received.
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