No Waste Man

9 848
BBC Radio 18.34 млн
Опубликовано 27 июля 2018, 15:18
How hard is it to live a zero waste lifestyle? BBC Radio 1Xtra's Ace challenges himself to a week waste free.

In a world where attitudes have shifted in the wake of Blue Planet 2, individuals, businesses and even the Government have been forced to react and make positive changes towards the environment, and now Ace is getting involved too by attempting to go an entire week waste free.

Ace gets some advice from a zero waste chef, Doug McMaster, visits a massive second hand clothes warehouse, and heads to a hip hop garden for a bit of composting.

Will he succeed? And more importantly will he embrace what he's learnt and adopt these lifestyle changes for a greener planet? Ace debriefs in his local barbershop.

Watch the full 21 minute documentary in the UK here: