Underneath all the Gray - ORIGINAL (guitar)

4 172
Ariel McCleary275 тыс
06.02.20 – 14 9112:46
sad boi hours (an original song)
Опубликовано 2 декабря 2014, 2:00
I wrote dis.

Intro is HECKA long (sorry folks), so skip to @3:13 for the song pls and thank u.


You try so hard
to be better than yourself
Why do you do that when you've got so much to give
as it is?

You want acceptance from people
who don't care what you look like without them.
You're desperate to be the favorite,
and it's gotten to your head.

You're so caught up in the lies
that you don't know the color of your eyes,
But I can see the good stuff
underneath all of the gray.

(solo thing / jammin' out like nobody's bidness)

I remember when you'd color past the lines,
with vivid pink, purple, crimson, lime
Well now your crayons are broken and you tore up all the art.
So where's you heart?

We never talk anymore
'cause you're so stuck in the game.
I wish you'd get a cheat code to take away the blame,
and remember your name.
Remember your name.


... And it's okay
'cause Ill be here
every day
until you want to change.

Fin :)