Liv.e Performs New Music and Talks about Respecting Black Women | Receiver

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Опубликовано 16 июля 2020, 15:00
Liv.e talks to us and performs 'Lessons from my mistakes...but I lost your number" live on this week's episode of Receiver.
Liv.e’s debut album, Couldn’t Wait To Tell You, officially drops in a couple weeks. She finished recording most of it months ago — long before protests over racism and police brutality started flooding our streets and screens.
Liv.e does admit that she briefly wondered if she should alter or add to her album in some way, to speak to the “moment.” But, she says, it didn’t feel right.
“People exploit off of black trauma all day,” she said in an interview with VICE News.
She also says that there are songs on the album that feel even more relevant now than when she originally recorded them — like “I Been Livin,” which she says speaks to the experience of black girls who are robbed of their childhood far too early.
Liv.e says she understands that some listeners might be looking for artists to release easily digestible songs or statements about current events, but says there’s a bigger picture that needs to be taken into account. “Black people making music is already a form of activism, already in itself,” she said.
“Black people living is a form of activism. Black people surviving is a form of activism.”

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