Pomplamoose2 млн
Опубликовано 20 июля 2023, 15:00
AHHHHHH it’s the first song from our French album!!!!!!!!!! Presenting “À Cabo,” a French bossa about a Mexican vacation, to be enjoyed poolside with a fruity beverage through a floating bluetooth speaker. Santé! 🥂 😎
Save this song on Spotify: spoti.fi/2r3Yqkh
Follow us on instagram: instagram.com/pomplamoosemusic
Become a patron of our music (to vote on the songs we cover and get merch and stuff like that): patreon.com/pomplamoose
À Cabo is an original song by Pomplamoose.
Lead Vocals: Nataly Dawn
Keys: Larry Goldings and Jack Conte
Guitar, Mandolin: John Schroeder
Bass: Eliana Athayde
Drums: Rob Humphreys
Trombone: Vikram Devasthali
Flugelhorn: Matt Rubin
Engineer: Bill Mims
Mix/Producer: Jack Conte
Master: Will Borza
Director/DP: Austin Hughes
Pick-up Director: Dom Fera
Pick-up DP: Ryan Blewett
Cam Op: Nate Cuboi
Pick-up AC: James Hull
Gaffer: Nash White
Backline Tech: Alex Minney
Video Editor: Athena Wheaton
Photos: Bella Porter
Recorded at 64 Sound and Sunset Sound in Los Angeles.
#Pomplamoose #LarryGoldings #ÀCabo
LYRICS (French / English)
Je me souviens pas / I don’t remember
Du moment précis / The precise moment
À Cabo / In Cabo
Sur une plage grise / On a gray beach
Les vagues s’écrasant / The waves crashing
Sous un soleil flou / Under a blurred sun
Et toi mon amour impassible / And you, my impassive love
Rien à dire sauf ce qu’on dit toujours / Nothing to say except what they always say
Au revoir, bon retour / Farewell, safe travels
Je me souviens pas / I don’t remember
Du moment précis / The precise moment
À Cabo / In Cabo
Une baleine surgit / A whale emerges
Y’a quelque chose / There’s something
Qui se réveille en nous / That awakens in us
Mais toi mon coeur inconsolable / But you, my inconsolable heart
Tu t’intéresses peu au sable je sais / You take little interest in the sand, I know
Au revoir, bon retour / Farewell, safe travels
Je me souviens pas / I don’t remember
Du moment précis / The precise moment
À Cabo / In Cabo
Les étoiles scintillent / The stars sparkle
Et moi je danse / And me, I dance
Pressée contre ton cou / Pressed against your neck
Hélas mon amour délassé / Alas, my love relieved
Rien à dire alors on se tait / Nothing to say so we’re silent
Tant mieux / All the better
Au revoir, bon retour / Farewell, safe travels
Save this song on Spotify: spoti.fi/2r3Yqkh
Follow us on instagram: instagram.com/pomplamoosemusic
Become a patron of our music (to vote on the songs we cover and get merch and stuff like that): patreon.com/pomplamoose
À Cabo is an original song by Pomplamoose.
Lead Vocals: Nataly Dawn
Keys: Larry Goldings and Jack Conte
Guitar, Mandolin: John Schroeder
Bass: Eliana Athayde
Drums: Rob Humphreys
Trombone: Vikram Devasthali
Flugelhorn: Matt Rubin
Engineer: Bill Mims
Mix/Producer: Jack Conte
Master: Will Borza
Director/DP: Austin Hughes
Pick-up Director: Dom Fera
Pick-up DP: Ryan Blewett
Cam Op: Nate Cuboi
Pick-up AC: James Hull
Gaffer: Nash White
Backline Tech: Alex Minney
Video Editor: Athena Wheaton
Photos: Bella Porter
Recorded at 64 Sound and Sunset Sound in Los Angeles.
#Pomplamoose #LarryGoldings #ÀCabo
LYRICS (French / English)
Je me souviens pas / I don’t remember
Du moment précis / The precise moment
À Cabo / In Cabo
Sur une plage grise / On a gray beach
Les vagues s’écrasant / The waves crashing
Sous un soleil flou / Under a blurred sun
Et toi mon amour impassible / And you, my impassive love
Rien à dire sauf ce qu’on dit toujours / Nothing to say except what they always say
Au revoir, bon retour / Farewell, safe travels
Je me souviens pas / I don’t remember
Du moment précis / The precise moment
À Cabo / In Cabo
Une baleine surgit / A whale emerges
Y’a quelque chose / There’s something
Qui se réveille en nous / That awakens in us
Mais toi mon coeur inconsolable / But you, my inconsolable heart
Tu t’intéresses peu au sable je sais / You take little interest in the sand, I know
Au revoir, bon retour / Farewell, safe travels
Je me souviens pas / I don’t remember
Du moment précis / The precise moment
À Cabo / In Cabo
Les étoiles scintillent / The stars sparkle
Et moi je danse / And me, I dance
Pressée contre ton cou / Pressed against your neck
Hélas mon amour délassé / Alas, my love relieved
Rien à dire alors on se tait / Nothing to say so we’re silent
Tant mieux / All the better
Au revoir, bon retour / Farewell, safe travels
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