Armada Music5.4 млн
Опубликовано 16 августа 2023, 11:00
Discover 'Leftwing: Kody & Hayley May - Bring The Heat (Kody Future Remix)' on your favorite streaming platform ▶
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Hot on the heels of Leftwing : Kody’s and Hayley May’s recent release on Armada Subjekt, these set of remixes instantly double down on dance floor allure. From Leftwing : Kody’s own, pumped-up Future Mix to the definitive club attitude of Robot Collective’s rendition, these takes on ‘Bring The Heat’ do exactly what the title suggests.
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Hot on the heels of Leftwing : Kody’s and Hayley May’s recent release on Armada Subjekt, these set of remixes instantly double down on dance floor allure. From Leftwing : Kody’s own, pumped-up Future Mix to the definitive club attitude of Robot Collective’s rendition, these takes on ‘Bring The Heat’ do exactly what the title suggests.
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#ArmadaMusic #leftwing #Kodyfuture
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