WARRIOR OF THE NIGHT | by London Music Works (feat. Merethe Soltvedt)

54 979
Опубликовано 2 ноября 2023, 18:00
Artist Websites:

▸ Stream the Music: londonmusicworks.lnk.to/EpicTh...

▸ Composer: Antonin Roux: instagram.com/antoninroux_musi...
▸ Label: London Music Works: twitter.com/lmworks?lang=en
▸ Vocals: Merethe Soltvedt: merethesoltvedt.com


▸ Learn From Evenant Courses (Learn To Make: Trailer Music, Cinematic Music, Cinematic Design, Sound Design & More): goo.gl/miZCfd
▸ Learn How To Master Orchestral Post Production: goo.gl/vidFoo
▸ Trailer Music Mastery - Your Way Into The Music Business: goo.gl/urFTBu

Epic Music World™ Websites:

▸ Spotify: spoti.fi/2YhQKdw
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🎧 Video Details:

Track: Warrior of the Night
Composer: Antonin Roux
Performed by: London Music Works, featuring Merethe Soltvedt


In shadows cast by moonlight,
A solitary man, poised to defy,
With armor forged in the fires of old.

Standing tall with his silver sword,
Ready for the fight, expecting no reward,
A Guardian of Legacy,
This is his Destiny.

He’s the Warrior of the Night,
Warrior of the Night (Warrior of the Night).

In the depths of night the warrior strikes,
The battle rages, and the beasts he fights,
Have sharpened teeth and deadly spikes,
His sword will cut them all down.

A wounded man, still standing tall,
He knows only how to risk it all,
A Guardian of Legacy,
Fulfilling his Destiny.

He’s the Warrior of the Night,
Warrior of the Night,
He’s the Guardian of the Light,
Warrior of the Night.

★ Animation by Realtime Motion Studios: realtime-motion-studios.rf.gd
★ Buy Your Animation: rocketr.net/sellers/realtimemo...

📸 Image Artist: WLOP

▸ Image: facebook.com/photo?fbid=866554...
▸ Image Artist: wlop.deviantart.com
▸ Artstation: artstation.com/artist/wlop
▸ Facebook: facebook.com/wlopart
▸ Patreon: patreon.com/wlop?ty=h
▸ Tumblr: wlopwangling.tumblr.com
▸ Twitter: twitter.com/wlopwangling

© Copyright Info

✔ Be aware all music and pictures belongs to the original artists.
✔ This video was given a special license directly from the artists.
✖ I am in no position to give anyone permission to use this

.➝ Please ask the artists and NOT me for permission !!!