Miss Pussycat Loves Jimmy Buffett - Quintron & Miss Pussycat - Bandmate - Episode 4

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Noisey3.51 млн
Опубликовано 29 февраля 2012, 17:10
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We were on the 2012 Bruise Cruise a few weeks back and had a chance to sit down with Quintron & Miss Pussycat to talk about... drugs, gambling, buffets, Jimmy Buffet... and other stuff.

Who eats more at the buffet?
Who is most likely to join a Jimmy Buffet cover band?
Who has the best beach style?
Who is the best gambler?
Who is the most likely to win a limbo contest?
Who is the biggest lightweight?

Be sure to check last week's episode of bandmate by clicking "Previous" in the top right corner of the video, or Next for episode #05 of Bandmate.


We've also got an intimate interview series where we separate the members of our favorite bands and find out what they really think of each other. BANDMATE asks bands the tough questions, like "who's the laziest," and "who's got the worst taste in music." So far we haven't broken up any bands, which is impressive seeing as we've convinced the Rapture. Black Lips, FIDLAR, and more to spill their guts on camera.

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