Practical magic with animations in Jetpack Compose
Are you constantly in awe of the animations your designer creates but have no idea how to implement them? Or maybe you want to keep your users engaged by adding delightful little treats in your app...
56 337
ExoPlayer: Flexible media playback for Android (Google I/O '17)
ExoPlayer is an open source media playback library for Android. Used by thousands of applications, it enables great media experiences and can be customized to suit individual needs.
56 184
Compose by example
Jetpack Compose is a new declarative UI toolkit built for the demands of creating modern user interfaces.
56 016
Affirmations app - Android Basics in Kotlin
Get an introduction to the Affirmations app you'll create in this unit.
55 949
Building AR apps with the Sceneform SDK (Google I/O '18)
Sceneform SDK is a new library for Android that enables the rapid creation and integration of AR experiences in your app. It combines ARCore and a powerful physically-based 3D renderer.
55 792
Powerful: Compose toolkit - MAD Skills
In this episode of MAD skills on Compose basics, we will cover the set of composables that are part of the Compose toolkit: material design components, layouts, modifiers, and more.
55 778
Android Developer Story: Kotlin + Android increasing developer happiness and productivity
Kotlin for Android is production-ready. It's an expressive, concise, and powerful language.
55 626
Android Jetpack: Easy background processing with WorkManager (Google I/O '18)
This is an introduction to WorkManager, a new part of Android Architecture Components. WorkManager simplifies background task scheduling in a backwards compatible manner.
55 420
Android Developer Story: Box
Box is a cloud-based platform and app for users to share business information. See how they got over 5 million downloads by leveraging the flexibility in the Android platform.
55 369
Toolbars for a flexible Action Bar & more (Android Development Patterns Ep 5)
Toolbars are a flexible View you can add to your Android app which provides many of the same APIs as the system provided Action Bar, but can also do so much more such as reacting to scrolling or
55 246
Kotlin: Android support announced at Google I/O
Visit these sites for more information: Kotlin website -, Kotlin and Android documentation - Android announced full support for the Kotlin language at
55 226
Jetpack Compose: Animation
Step through the Jetpack Compose animation APIs with Android Developer Relations Engineer Yuichi Araki.
55 078
Best practices for themes and styles (Android Dev Summit '18)
This talk focuses on how to work with designers to translate mocks into maintainable themes and styles for a high-quality Android app.
54 738
Google Android Developers - Trailer
Welcome to the home for videos, demos, tutorials, interviews, and anything else related to Android development! Subscribe to the Android Developers channel at
54 633
Android Peeks - traffic in maps
One thing I like about Android... traffic in maps. Watch Android team members talk about their favorite features.
54 580
Android Developer Story: Quizlet
Quizlet is an extremely popular online learning tool for students. See how they optimized for the classroom with Android and the power of Google Play for Education.
54 570
What can you build with these basics?
Learn where you can go from here! Check out the course → Subscribe to Android Developers → #AndroidDevelopers #AndroidJetpack #AndroidStudio
54 558
Notes from Google Play: The next phase of Play
Join Sam Bright, VP & GM, Google Play + Developer Ecosystem, as we take a look back at some of the key features and programs launched this year to help you build successful apps and games businesses.
54 556
DevBytes: Intro to ActionBarCompat Support Library
An introduction to this new support library, which allows you to add a compatible Action Bar to your application, targeting Android v2.1 or newer.
54 462
Google I/O'17: Channel 2
Technical sessions and deep dives into Google's latest developer products and platforms. event: Google I/O 2018; re_ty: Livestream;
54 399
Android Developer Story: JackThreads
Learn how Thrillist, the creator of the JackThreads mens fashion app, grew their Android sales almost 2000% by using Android native design.
54 309
Building feature-rich media apps with ExoPlayer (Google I/O '18)
This session will guide developers through the process of building a feature-rich media application using ExoPlayer.
54 285
Google Play Policy - Store Listing and Promotion
We want users to trust the apps and games they download from Google Play, and it’s important to avoid spammy store listings and efforts to artificially boost app visibility.
54 250
Introducing Android Game Development Kit - Android Game Dev Show
In this episode, Dan Galpin introduces the Android Game Development Kit, which includes tools and libraries that simplify Android game development, improve development workflows, and help you
54 201
Make It Your Own:
Customize and personalize your homescreen to suit your needs and tastes
54 026
LiquidFun Physics Engine
Learn more about the LiquidFun physics engine at
54 019
Introduction to HTTP/REST - Android Basics in Kotlin
Being able to interact with data from the internet is an important skill for Android developers. In this pathway, learn about HTTP/REST and what it means for developing connected apps.
53 934
What's new in Android Studio 4.2
Android Studio 4.2 is now available for download on the stable channel.
53 871
Android Developer Tips - StatefulDrawables, HierarchyViewer
What I've learned from building my Android app - stateful drawables and the hierarchy viewer are useful features.
53 870
Introducing Oboe for building audio apps on Android
Introducing Oboe, a C++ library for building high performance audio apps on Android! Oboe offers the lowest latency possible across 99% of Android devices.
53 787