Google Cloud Platform

1.2 млн
107 млн
5 159
21 Июл 2014
03.02.23 7:15
How to run ML Inference with Apache Beam
RunInference → Machine Learning → Dataflow ML → You’ve built a machine learning model and run it on your laptop for
12 399
22.12.20 6:21
Optimize GKE to run your application
Learn more → Kubernetes training at no cost → Get hands-on with this Qwiklab → Full GKE cost-optimization guide →
12 396
08.07.20 3:31
Getting started with Security Health Analytics
Finding and fixing potential vulnerabilities in virtual machines, networks, and Cloud IAM policies is crucial in order to keep your sensitive data safe from potential threats.
12 386
09.11.21 7:29
Getting started with Cloud Run using Cloud Code for PyCharm
Install Cloud Code → Install Cloud SQL proxy → Join the Google Cloud Platform Community Slack’s cloud-code channel → goo.
12 376
26.07.18 45:53
Spotify's Journey to the Cloud (Cloud Next '18)
Spotify took a global application running on data centers in the United States and Europe and migrated all of it to GCP.
12 376
07.06.19 7:01
¿Cómo gestiono la identidad y el acceso a los recursos (Hablemos en Cloud)
Descripción de los mecanismos para limitar el acceso a los recursos aplicando políticas sobre la identidad y los permisos asociados.
12 339
20.10.21 6:34
How to use metrics scopes in Cloud Monitoring
Managing in UI → Managing via API → You've got Cloud Monitoring all set up in your project - but what do you do if you need to manage multiple
12 322
18.06.21 3:50
Deploying WordPress from Google Cloud Marketplace
Deploy Wordpress from the Google Cloud Marketplace → WordPress is a free, open source content management system used to build custom websites.
12 322
20.08.15 0:59
Getting Help with gcloud
Aja Hammerly (@the_thagomizer) demonstrates how to get help when using the gcloud command line tool for Google Cloud Platform.
12 316
15.06.22 12:39
Get started with Firestore
Here to bring you the latest news in the startup program by Google Cloud is Mirabel Tukiman! Welcome to the second season of the Google Cloud Technical Guides for Startups - the Build Series.
12 300
15.09.20 18:19
Event-driven microservices with Cloud Run
Cloud Run is great for running containers in a serverless way but how do you feed events to those containers? Events for Cloud Run provides primitives to build event-driven architectures.
12 293
01.10.19 10:44
Production ready chatbots with SpringML
In this special episode of Deconstructing Chatbots, Priyanka Vergadia visits Spring ML’s office in Pleasanton, California.
12 282
05.11.21 19:44
Build an interactive machine learning application with Looker and Vertex AI
Google Cloud’s machine learning (ML) capabilities unleash endless possibilities for developing models that allow an organization to operate more efficiently.
12 279
11.10.22 15:35
Govern your data at scale with Dataplex
The enterprise data landscape is fragmented with data stored across data lakes, warehouses, and specialized data marts.
12 278
26.07.18 43:52
Starting with Kubernetes Engine: Developer-friendly Deployment Strategies (Cloud Next '18)
Google Kubernetes Engine is suitable for projects of all sizes. Even if you’re starting with a single VM deployment, using GKE sets you up to handle growth.
12 272
15.09.20 19:27
NYT: Building a real-time collaborative editor with Firestore
The New York Times has reporters and editors all over the world working to write and produce breaking news on tight deadlines.
12 259
15.09.20 2:30
Video intelligence takes to the streets
Smart cities are being used to improve government efficiency, saving both time and money.
12 255
23.04.20 7:14
Mobile app backend solutions - Firebase
Seeing a huge increase in the number of files your app needs to store? Need to quickly sync data between multiple users? No problem.
12 252
28.05.20 2:22
Introducing Cloud Functions for Java 11
In this video, we showcase the new Cloud Functions for Java 11. Want to learn how to create functions - such as HTTP and Background functions - that you can test and deploy locally?
12 236
13.10.18 7:53
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery with Google Cloud (Cloud Next ‘18)
Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) make it fast and easy for developers to build, test, and deploy their codes of the highest quality in a safe and secure way, covering all
12 213
11.04.19 43:20
Serverless BI Reporting on GCP with Data Studio (Cloud Next '19)
Take a deep dive into both new and upcoming capabilities in Google Data Studio and BigQuery that make it easy to implement a secure, scalable, and serverless BI solution on GCP.
12 197
23.07.20 4:40
Immutable infrastructure
Patterns for scalable and resilient apps → When building an application, mutable VMs are great for short term flexibility, but are unable to handle most complexities.
12 163
26.07.18 46:23
Firebase & BigQuery - Do Mobile App Analytics Easily & at Scale - Queries Included (Cloud Next '18)
There's so much you can do within BigQuery with your Google Analytics for Firebase data, but sometimes it's hard to know just how to get started.
12 147
15.09.20 14:27
Overview of AI Notebooks on Google Cloud
Notebooks are the go-to tool for data scientists to develop and deploy AI/ML models. Watch an overview about AI Platform Notebooks, an enterprise-ready managed Jupyter Notebook service.
12 111
21.10.21 0:54
How to run your shell script without a server #shorts
Code for this episode → How to secure a Cloud Run service that is called by Cloud Scheduler → Now that many systems are in the cloud, it makes sense
12 101
29.10.19 5:04
Setting up cost controls with quota
Learn more → Quotas allow you to set your own capped limit to the number of concurrent resources in a project or the number of API requests.
12 098
10.03.17 54:17
Using Apigee Edge to create and publish APIs that developers love (Google Cloud Next '17)
In this video, you'll learn how Apigee Edge enables you to craft and publish APIs that developers will adopt rapidly.
12 092
15.09.20 16:41
Engage and translate: Text and audio chat in 100+ languages
As users worldwide connect to the net and travel globally, it’s more important than ever to make interactive applications chat in many languages.
12 081
21.09.23 10:17
Cloud Functions local debugging
Debugging is often easier on a local machine than in the cloud. Follow along and learn how to debug Google Cloud Functions on your laptop, with Christoph Stanger and Martin Omander as your guides.
12 080
29.03.16 43:20
SOLUTIONS SHOWCASE - Kensho on GCP: Machine Learning in your Browser
Recorded on Mar 24 2016 at GCP NEXT 2016 in San Francisco. Financial services is an information industry at its heart.
12 080
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