
5.83 млн
556 млн
20 Июн 2011
17.07.11 1:04
The Wave/Particle Duality - Part 2
Tweet it! - bit.ly/qqGvk4 Facebook it!
1 306 866
10.04.14 6:10
When Insanity Becomes Normal - Venezuela
At this point it isn't clear what any of us outside of Venezuela can do to help those inside the country - and this has been hard for me to stomach.
1 287 785
19.08.16 2:50
The Twins Paradox Primer (Rotating TIME!)
How can time be slower and faster at the same time?
1 284 212
22.12.14 2:09
Astronomically Correct Twinkle Twinkle
Order the book, ebook, or download the astronomically correct song at minutephysics.com/twinkle - if you preorder the book, you get the ebook for FREE!
1 281 018
13.03.12 1:19
Albert Einstein: Why Light is Quantum
Pi day (3.14) is Albert Einstein's Birthday! To celebrate, we'll explain 4 of his most groundbreaking papers from 1905, when he was just 26 years old.
1 263 467
29.12.11 1:58
Faster Than Light Neutrinos (maybe): Field Trip!
Come with us to Italy to find out what went into measuring the FTL neutrinos.
1 262 258
28.09.13 2:31
How to Destroy a Magnet (+ interactive periodic table)
Interactive Periodic Table!! - bit.ly/MPeriodic_table (built by Jasper Palfree) FREE Audiobook for you at audible.com/minutephysics Magnets are amazingly strong...
1 260 475
26.02.20 5:02
How to Tell Matter From Antimatter | CP Violation & The Ozma Problem
This video was made with the support of the Heising Simons Foundation. Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
1 229 273
07.08.11 1:17
The Sound of Hydrogen
It's like the sound of silence...
1 200 710
07.06.12 4:01
Picture of the Big Bang (a.k.a. Oldest Light in the Universe)
Where does all the stuff in the universe come from? Explore a map of the big bang!
1 199 240
13.11.18 4:34
Impossible Muons
Thanks to Brilliant.org for supporting MinutePhysics! The first 200 people who go to brilliant.org/minutephysics will get 20% off a Premium Subscription to Brilliant.
1 195 870
11.01.18 4:13
How We Know Black Holes Exist
Thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and Space Telescope Science Institute for supporting this video. Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
1 140 208
26.07.12 3:08
Higgs Boson Part III: How to Discover a Particle
How do you know when you've "discovered" a particle? What do we mean by "discovery"? Also, explore a map of the big bang!
1 139 942
19.03.14 2:30
A Polarizing Discovery About the Big Bang!
Get a free audiobook at audible.com/minutephysics and Thanks to the following Subbable.com supporters: Owain Blackwood @vicnice137 lightbow.net More about the Big Bang
1 135 088
26.05.14 2:35
Is the Universe Entirely Mathematical? Feat. Max Tegmark
Thanks to Max Tegmark for writing & narrating this video, it's based on his book which you can find here on Amazon: amzn.to/2i26PDI Thanks to Radiolab for letting me visit them in New York
1 134 389
13.11.11 1:50
The Arrow of Time feat. Sean Carroll
Why is the past different from the future? Caltech physicist Sean Carroll explains how the arrow of time is not an intrinsic property of physics, but rather an emergent feature.
1 112 301
29.08.17 4:14
Myths and Facts About Superintelligent AI
Join the AI conversation: AgeofAI.org This video was based on Max’s book "Life 3.0”, which you can find at: amzn.to/2iEwe6w Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
1 106 819
20.12.14 3:58
A Simple Proof of Conservation of Energy
1 076 040
14.07.17 2:02
Why It's HARD To Land on Mars
Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
1 074 058
13.12.23 4:31
The LAST Eclipse in History
This video is supported by the NASA Heliophysics Education Activation Team (NASA HEAT), part of NASA’s Science Activation portfolio.
1 071 985
13.11.13 0:18
The Tides explained in ten seconds
BONUS FACT: The sun also causes tides on the earth, but they're only about half as strong as the moon's. When the sun & moon line up during full & new moons, tides are extra big.
1 065 059
13.02.12 5:26
Tutorial: Rocket Science! (plus special announcement)
The basic physics behind how rockets work!
1 058 534
06.02.12 2:02
Football, Physics, and Symmetry
Two linemen colliding can light a 60W bulb for over a minute!
1 056 607
22.12.15 2:52
Why December Has The Longest Days
Subscribe to MinutePhysics!
1 046 827
09.08.12 2:10
London Bridge Was Sold to the US!?
London Bridge has already been rebuilt twice! But what happened to the bridges that came down? Also, explore a map of the big bang!
1 036 933
22.12.22 4:46
Geosynchronous Orbits are WEIRD
to have your first donation matched up to $100!
1 022 436
07.11.11 1:38
GPS, relativity, and nuclear detection
GPS is just a big clock in space! (and it can detect nuclear explosions) Trying out a new feature: English Transcript!
999 621
07.09.14 2:37
How to Draw a Stick Figure (School of Youtube)
To DONATE to Comic Relief, go to comicrelief.com/soyt OR make a text donation by following these steps: In the US, text SOYT to 71777 to make a pledge.
965 469
29.05.18 7:17
Length Contraction and Time Dilation | Special Relativity Ch. 5
for 20% off a premium subscription to Brilliant!
964 810
02.03.21 3:27
The Physics of Windmill Design
This video was created in partnership with Bill Gates, inspired by his new book “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster.” Find out more here: gatesnot.es/3u7UUVU This video is about how physics
959 971
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