
5.84 млн
558 млн
20 Июн 2011
07.09.14 2:37
How to Draw a Stick Figure (School of Youtube)
To DONATE to Comic Relief, go to comicrelief.com/soyt OR make a text donation by following these steps: In the US, text SOYT to 71777 to make a pledge.
967 664
08.07.16 3:21
Gravitational Waves Explained Using Stick Figures
GO HERE NOW: einsteinathome.org Einstein@Home wikipedia page: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein@Home This video is about gravitational waves in the weak field limit as discovered
955 567
335 дней 8:41
Which Planet Has the Best Eclipse?
Check out the interactive lab here: labs.minutelabs.io/eclipses Solar eclipses don't just happen here on earth - moons of other planets also pass between those planets and the sun
941 969
06.12.19 3:24
Why Do Mirrors Flip Left & Right (but not up & down)?
to check out MinuteBody, and for a free month of CuriosityStream PLUS Nebula! Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
941 410
13.06.12 1:10
Open Letter to the Universe
My open letter to the universe. Also, explore a map of the big bang!
935 484
06.10.16 3:28
Do Cause and Effect Really Exist? (Big Picture Ep. 2/5)
Thanks to Google Making and Science for supporting this series, and to Sean Carroll for collaborating on it!
932 666
08.08.17 4:58
Will Batteries Power The World? | The Limits Of Lithium-ion
$2000 Anker Contest Link: bit.ly/2u5YUqb Link to the PowerCore+ 26800 (the one I showed in the video): amzn.to/2vwh9Jr Real Engineering's video: youtu.be/ahxBbEwhIE0 Sam and
926 488
26.10.16 4:23
What is the Purpose of Life? (Big Picture Ep. 5/5)
This video is about how life arose and what its main function or purpose in the universe seems to be.
926 298
19.05.17 2:26
Ring AROUND the Earth?
for sponsoring this video; you can use offer code MINUTEPHYSICS at checkout for 10% off your first purchase.
908 285
17.07.14 2:36
How to Find an Exoplanet
Subscribe to MinutePhysics!
892 760
01.08.19 6:04
Einstein's Biggest Blunder, Explained
Thanks to Brilliant for supporting MinutePhysics.
878 614
26.04.18 3:48
Relativity of Simultaneity | Special Relativity Ch. 4
for 20% off a premium subscription to Brilliant!
876 807
17.11.16 3:15
How Perspective Shapes Reality
for supporting this video, which is about how the way we describe the world can influence the way we perceive it.
845 600
12.12.11 1:55
The Tacoma Narrows Fallacy
Teach your teacher: the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows bridge WASN'T resonance. And I defer all arguments to the elocution of Profs.
842 352
13.02.12 0:55
VomitPhysics! Physics of Fiction
How much do you need to vomit in order to levitate? Rocket Science Tutorial!
834 875
15.07.15 1:47
The Counterintuitive Physics of Turning a Bike
for sponsoring this video – use offer code MinutePhysics for $5 off your first purchase A HUGE thanks to Michael Aranda for aerial and slow motion photography and Wren Weichman (@wrenthereaper)
832 913
22.04.17 3:37
Can We Survive Curiosity?
There's a March for Science happening all over the world: marchforscience.com This is a video about how science is both inherently political and apolitical.
826 175
18.08.22 6:26
How Many Fossils to Go an Inch? (ft. Robert Krulwich)
A beautiful guest video by Robert Krulwich and Nate Milton Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
809 209
01.02.16 3:14
How To Discover Weird New Particles | Emergent Quantum Quasiparticles
This video is about weird condensed matter systems, aka materials that have bizarre emergent particles in them that are unlike most other particles in the universe.
786 048
21.12.18 4:55
Hardy's Paradox | Quantum Double Double Slit Experiment
Need a last minute holiday gift idea? Go to brilliant.org/minutephysics for 20% off a premium subscription to Brilliant (can be given as a gift). Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
779 219
07.02.13 2:32
755 210
30.09.17 3:51
How to Build a Teleporter with Aliens
The first 200 people to use skl.sh/minutephysics30 get 30% off a premium Skillshare subscription. Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
748 856
15.01.12 1:39
SMBC Physics: Why are stones round? feat. Zach Weiner
Zach Weiner of SMBC comics is guest illustrator on MinutePhysics! smbc-comics.com Why are some stones round and others flat? Tweet it - bit.ly/xNraRa Facebook it - on.fb.
748 512
04.06.19 6:00
I Had to Build a Custom Mute Switch for my Violin
Thanks to Brilliant for supporting this video! The first 200 people to go to brilliant.org/MinutePhysics will get 20% off a premium subscription to Brilliant.
746 478
17.08.17 4:12
Correlation CAN Imply Causation! | Statistics Misconceptions
Have fun improving your math & physics skills!
746 347
28.11.13 0:18
Radar explained in ten seconds
EXTRA BONUS FACT: Typical radar can only send out radio waves in one direction at a time, which is why a doppler radar "sweeps" around in order to see in all directions.
739 558
12.10.16 3:35
Where Does Complexity Come From? (Big Picture Ep. 3/5)
This video is about the difference between complexity and entropy, and how complex things like life can arise from disorder.
734 614
14.06.23 11:13
The Bizarre Physics of Electric Guitars
To try everything Brilliant has to offer—free—for a full 30 days, visit brilliant.org/MinutePhysics The first 200 people get 20% off a premium subscription!
726 510
17.11.13 0:18
Negative Temperature explained in ten seconds
New MinutePhysics video coming this week...
722 275
15.11.13 0:15
Time Dilation illustrated within ten seconds
Time Dilation - boosting 5 seconds to fill 10 seconds since 1905 MinutePhysics is on Google+ - bit.ly/qzEwc6 And facebook - facebook.com/minutephysics And twitter - @minutephysics
721 455
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