#Android11 Beta - distribution
Introducing even more tools to help you succeed on Google Play, including a totally redesigned Google Play Console.
10 507
#Android11 Beta - tools and frameworks
Enabling a more modern Android development experience, including new features in Android Studio and Kotlin, plus the latest on our modern UI toolkit, Jetpack Compose.
24 303
What's new in Android
This session gives you a very quick overview of the new developer-facing features that the Android team has been working on.
90 921
All things privacy in Android 11
Privacy has always been core to how Android is designed.
23 740
Storage access with Android 11
Scoped Storage was introduced with Android 10 as a modern way for apps to access photos, videos, and other files on the device with privacy and user control in mind.
159 502
What's new in Android Jetpack
Learn about the latest news in Android Jetpack, including recent changes to popular libraries, and exciting new libraries.
53 320
Screens - large, small and foldable
Learn about different screen configurations and window features supported by Android, explore design challenges with new and existing products, and take a look at some of the latest tools and APIs
9 762
Now in Android: 19 - Android Studio 4.0 stable release, Kotlin article+video, sample code, and more
Welcome to Now in Android, your ongoing guide to what’s new and notable in the world of Android development.
13 372
What's new in Android Studio 4.0
The Android Studio 4.0 release introduces a new Motion Editor, Build Speed window, Live Layout inspector, Multi Preview for your layouts, support for Kotlin DSL script files, and a Smart editor for
156 685
Object - Kotlin Vocabulary
Object is a special class in Kotlin that only has one instance, which you can use to create Singletons easily.
34 027
Now in Android: 18 - Android 11, #Android11: The Beta Launch Show, articles, codelabs, and a podcast
Welcome to Now in Android, your ongoing guide to what’s new and notable in the world of Android development.
18 489
Google for Games 2020 Developer Summit recap - Android Game Dev Show
Welcome to the Android Game Dev Show, or the Game Show for short.
17 833
Now in Android: 17 - Android 11 DP3, Articles, AndroidX releases, and a podcast
Welcome to Now in Android, your ongoing guide to what’s new and notable in the world of Android development.
16 814
Now in Android: 16 - AndroidX releases, articles, videos, codelabs, samples, and more!
Welcome to Now in Android, your ongoing guide to what’s new and notable in the world of Android development.
24 710
Driving buyer behavior with IAP and subscriptions - A guide to KPIs for Google Play Apps and Games
This session will focus specifically on key performance indicators (KPIs) related to monetization, whether through in-app purchases or subscription-based business models.
3 818
Acquiring and keeping new users - A guide to KPIs for Google Play Apps and Games
This session will focus specifically on KPIs related to acquisition and retention.
3 068
Intro to metrics - A KPI guide for Google Play Apps and Games
This introductory session will provide an overview of Google’s key performance indicators, with the goal of demystifying common terminology and empowering developers to make more informed decisions
8 949
Google Play PolicyBytes - 2020 年春のポリシー更新内容 (Japanese)
Google シニアポリシーアドバイザーの Reirui Ri が、2020年春に更新される、定期購入、バックグラウンドでの位置情報の取得、不正なソフトウェア、リソースダウンロード等のポリシーについて解説いたします。動画をご覧の皆様には、是非これらポリシーの更新内容をご理解いただき、ベストプラクティスの実践に役立てていただきたいと考えております。
5 363
Google Play PolicyBytes - 2020 春季政策更新 (Mandarin)
来自Google Play内容运营团队的Jean Yen在影片中向大家讲解了2020年春季Google Play的政策在订阅、后台位置访问、恶意软件以及资源下载等方面的更新。影片中我们提供了帮助您的应用合乎规范的最佳做法以及实用资源,千万别错过!
3 430
Google Play PolicyBytes - 2020년 봄 정책 업데이트 (Korean)
구글 플레이 정책 담당자 최문석님이 구독, 백그라운드 위치정보, 맬웨어, 리소스 다운로드 등 2020년 봄 구글 플레이 정책 업데이트 사항에 대해 설명해드립니다. 업데이트 내용과 더불어 Best Practice, 주요 정책위반 사항, 관련 도움말 등에 대해서도 알아보세요.
3 328
Google Play PolicyBytes - Spring 2020 Policy Updates
Joe Davis, Outreach and Policy Education Lead at Google, explains the spring 2020 Play policy updates on subscriptions, background location access, malware, resource downloads, and more.
22 828
Android Jetpack: CameraX Beta
CameraX is a Jetpack support library created to make camera app development easier. Stay tuned to learn more about the CameraX API and use cases!
26 663
Vulnerability Disclosure Program (VDP)
No organization has perfect security. Security and privacy are tantamount to user trust in your app, but breaches can occur daily.
7 997
Now in Android: 15 - Android 11 features, AndroidX, videos, articles, and more!
Welcome to Now in Android, your ongoing guide to what’s new and notable in the world of Android development.
17 589
Kotlin Coroutines 101 - Android Conference Talks
Manuel Vivo, Android Engineer from the Developer Relations team at Google, gives an introduction to Kotlin Coroutines.
142 391
Inline functions - Kotlin Vocabulary
Improve your app by saving some extra object allocations with inline functions!
87 007
Now in Android: 14 - Android 11 Developer Preview 2, Android X releases, game development, and more!
Welcome to Now in Android, your ongoing guide to what’s new and notable in the world of Android development.
13 717
Assembling your Jetpack - Android Conference Talks
Tiem Song, Developer Programs Engineer on the Android DevRel team, goes over the variety of tools and libraries that Jetpack has to offer to make Android development easier than ever before.
32 671
Google Play Asset Delivery for games: Product deep dive and case studies (Google Games Dev Summit)
Optimize your game delivery with the new App Bundle for games, which enables free, customizable delivery of large game assets.
93 185
Deliver higher quality games on more devices (Google Games Dev Summit)
Building a high quality game is hard. Ensuring it works on many Android devices is harder.
5 014