Why Big Wheels Are A Bad Idea On Electric Cars - Range Impact!

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Опубликовано 11 ноября 2020, 15:00
How Much Does Wheel Size Impact An Electric Car's Driving Range?
How To Prevent Expensive Wheel Damage - youtu.be/zqFT0tsusUY
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Do bigger wheels affect EV range? How much more range will a Tesla Model 3 have with 18" wheels, versus 20" wheels? What about a Tesla Model S, or a Tesla Model X? In this video, we'll analyze how tire width, rolling resistance, and wheel size impact an electric car's range. Personally I was surprised how large the impact is! Especially for highway driving, it's important to know how your wheel size can affect your electric car's range. And with the knowledge learned from this video, is it possible that big wheels alone make up a significant portion of our nation's emissions? Join team big sidewall to see ride comfort, cost, efficiency, and emissions benefits!

Related Links:
EV CO2 Estimate - afdc.energy.gov/vehicles/elect...
Annual CO2 USA - epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-g...
EPA Road Load Data - bit.ly/2ESIwE3

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