First Class Fitment 2013 | Canibeat

223 856
Krispy Media532 тыс
182 дня – 1 8410:38
Porsche 911 Heavenly Sounds!
359 дней – 5 2640:15
R34 Gtr….Crash
Опубликовано 10 ноября 2013, 21:28
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My second time attending Canibeat's First Class Fitment in Princeton New Jersey. The amount of quality cars and location is what sets this show apart from the rest. Getting closer and closer with everyone in the car community is what is making every season that much better. This show closes out the North East coast season and on a big note! Photos from the event are on my FB page linked above. Enjoy!

Song Used (No Copyright Intended, please support the artist):
"Gold Panda-Reprise (T Hemingway Remix)