Game Theory: Solving the Mystery of Human Flight (Immortals Fenyx Rising)

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Опубликовано 6 декабря 2020, 19:05
Special thanks to Ubisoft for sponsoring this episode! 
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Theorists, have you ever wanted to fly? Not Superman fly, but soar on a pair of wings like, well, a Phoenix? In the amazing new game Immortals Fenyx Rising, your character gets to do just that. She is a winged warrior out to defeat mythological monsters on her quest to rescue the Gods. Fenyx's wings are VERY similar to those Daedalus made for Icarus in the famous Greek myth. We all know how that turned out. What I want to figure out today is if a human can really fly with a pair of wings and HOW that would need to work to not end up crashing to the earth like Icarus. Let's FLY! 

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Writers: Matthew Patrick and Zach Stewart
Editor: Alex "Sedge" Sedgwick
Assistant Editor: AlyssaBeCrazy
Sound Editor: Yosi Berman