Всемирный день первой помощи. Принцесса Монако Шарлин, посол доброй воли

Опубликовано 9 июня 2017, 19:53
On World First Aid Day, the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is calling for children everywhere to be trained in first aid, and is urging Governments and Ministries of Education to make first aid a mandatory part of school curriculums.

“Children are particularly susceptible to accidents in their daily lives and are especially at risk during major emergencies, like natural disasters, conflicts and epidemics,” says HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco, the IFRC’s 2016 goodwill ambassador for first aid. “Empowering young people as first aid providers will not just save lives. It will prepare them for a future in which they can be an active and responsible citizen in their local communities”.

An estimated one million children die every year from treatable injuries and millions more are hospitalized as a result of accidents like drowning, automobile crashes, falls and burns.