Update : How To Customize Kde Plasma 5 Look Like Macos On Mx Linux 23 Kde Edition
In this video, we’re going to show you how to transform your MX Linux 23 KDE Plasma desktop to look just like macOS!
10 153
DEMO: Auto Customize KDE Plasma 6 Look Like macOS on openSUSE, Fedora 40, Manjaro 24, and KDE Neon
This video shows you a demo of how to automatically customize KDE Plasma 6 Look Like macOS with a single command on openSUSE Tumbleweed, Fedora 40 KDE, Manjaro 24 KDE, and KDE Neon Don't forget to
9 329
How To Customize Kde Plasma 6 Look Like Macos On Fedora 40 Kde
In this video, we're going to show you how to transform your Fedora 40 KDE Plasma desktop to look just like macOS!
20 622
Final Results - Customize Kde Plasma 6 Look Like Macos
Hey everyone. Check out the final result of transforming KDE Plasma 6 to look just like macOS!
15 934
Demo: Auto Custom Gnome 46 Orchis On Ubuntu 24.04, Fedora 40, And Manjaro Linux 24
This video shows you a demo of how to automatically customize GNOME 46 Look Fresh and Elegant with Orchis Theme with a single command on Fedora 40 Workstations, Manjaro Linux 24 GNOME, and Ubuntu
28 413
Auto Custom Gnome 46 Look Like Macos On Manjaro 24 Edition
This video shows you a demo of how to automatically customize GNOME 46 to look like macOS with a single command on Manjaro 24 GNOME Edition DOWNLOAD SCRIPT AUTO CUSTOMIZATION
15 528
How To Make Ubuntu 24.04 Look Fresh And Elegant With Orchis Theme
In this video, we'll show you how to make your Ubuntu 24.04 desktop look fresh and elegant with the beautiful Orchis theme.
97 459
Final Result - Make Ubuntu 24.04 Look Fresh And Elegant With Orchis Theme
Hey everyone. Check out the Final result of Customize Ubuntu 24.04 look fresh and elegant with the Orchis Theme. Watch the video to see the complete transformation in action.
25 927
How To Make Your Linux Terminal Look Amazing
While the default prompt in the linux terminal is a little boring, there are options to customize it easily.
72 910
Demo: Running Auto-Custom Gnome 46 Look Like Macos On Ubuntu 24.04 And Fedora 40
This video shows you a demo of how to automatically customize GNOME 46 to look like macOS with a single command on both Ubuntu 24.04 and Fedora 40 DOWNLOAD SCRIPT AUTO CUSTOMIZATION: - ko-fi.
14 728
How To Install Vmware Workstation 17 Pro On Ubuntu 24.04 Lts
Learn how to install VMware Workstation 17 Pro on Ubuntu 24.04 with this step-by-step guide.
30 356
How To Make Your Ubuntu 24.04 Look Like Macos - Ubuntu 24.04 Customization Series
Transform your Ubuntu 24.04 into a stunning macOS lookalike with our detailed step-by-step guide!
52 063
Final Results: Ubuntu 24.04 Customization - Make Your Ubuntu 24.04 Look Like Macos
Check out the final result of transforming Ubuntu 24.04 to look just like macOS! Enjoy the sleek and polished interface that combines the power of Ubuntu with the aesthetics of macOS.
19 145
How To Install Ubuntu 24.04 Lts On Virtualbox
Welcome to our step-by-step guide on how to install Ubuntu 24.04 LTS on VirtualBox. In this video, we'll walk you through the process, using Ubuntu 24.04 as the host operating system and VirtualBox 7.
5 201
Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 24.04 Lts
in this video, we are going to show you things you can do after installing Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.
53 032
Additional Setup - Make Your Cinnamon Look Fresh and Elegant with Orchis Theme | Version 2.0
Continuing from our last tutorial, we're diving deeper into enhancing your desktop experience with some exciting new tweaks.
9 439
Video Tutorial - Make Your Cinnamon Look Fresh and Elegant with Orchis Theme | Version 2.0
Introducing our latest tutorial: "Make Your Cinnamon Look Fresh and Elegant with Orchis Theme | Version 2.0"!
12 822
Final Result - Cinnamon Desktop Customization with Orchis Theme
This video showcases the sleek and refined desktop transformation with the Orchis theme on the Cinnamon Desktop, now upgraded to Version 2.0!
19 153
Demo Running Script Auto Customize Cinnamon Desktop with Catppuccin on Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon
In this video demo, we'll be showcasing the process of running a script for auto customization of the Cinnamon desktop environment on Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon Edition.
28 822
Running Script Auto Custom "Ubuntu 22.04 Customizations Ver. 3.0" | Ubuntu 22.04
This script automates the customization of your GNOME desktop, aligning it with the layout featured in our "Ubuntu 22.04 Customizations Ver.
21 110
Additional Setup - Ubuntu 22.04 Customizations - Version 3.0
Welcome back to the Ubuntu 22.04 Customizations - Version 3.0 series! In this sequel to our previous tutorial, we take customization to the next level with our Additional Setup video.
15 972
Video Tutorial - Ubuntu 22.04 Customizations - Version 3.0
Welcome to our latest "Video Tutorial - Ubuntu 22.04 Customizations - Version 3.0"!
99 104
Final Result - Ubuntu 22.04 Customizations Series - Version 3.0
Welcome to the final result of our Ubuntu 22.04 Customization Series, Version 3.0!
21 576
Additional Setup - MX Linux 23 XFCE Customization
This video introduces additional customizations to our previous video, 'MX Linux 23 Xfce Customization.' In this video, we will replace the Xfce compositor with picom to support window animations.
15 807
Video Tutorial - How to Costumize MX Linux 23 Xfce Edition
Welcome to our in-depth guide on customizing MX Linux 23 Xfce Edition! In this video, we'll take you through the exciting journey of personalizing your Linux desktop to make it truly your own.
24 102
Final Result - MX Linux 23 Xfce Edition Customization
Welcome to our latest video on MX Linux 23 Xfce Edition customization! In this video, we'll explore the final results of our customizations on this fantastic open-source Linux distribution.
19 964
MX Linux 23 Overview: What's New and Exciting?
Discover the latest and most exciting features of MX Linux 23 in this comprehensive overview!
31 792
Exploring OpenKylin 1.0 - A Comprehensive Review
Welcome to our comprehensive review of OpenKylin 1.0, where we dive deep into the latest release from the OpenKylin project.
21 857
Additional Setup - Make Your Linux Mint Cinnamon Look Warm and Aesthetic with Gruvbox Color Theme
Welcome to the next level of aesthetic customization for your Linux Mint Cinnamon desktop!
8 836
How to Make Your Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition Look Warm and Aesthetic with Gruvbox Color Theme
Welcome to our channel! In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of giving your Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition a warm and aesthetic makeover using the Gruvbox color theme.
21 973