
3.1 млн
532 млн
20 Окт 2011
13.10.23 4:46
Eclipses Used To Be Terrifying
This video is supported by the NASA Heliophysics Education Activation Team (NASA HEAT), part of NASA’s Science Activation portfolio.
866 005
05.10.23 4:05
Apparently tree FINGERPRINTS are a thing
Thanks to the ASCEND project for partnering with us on this video! Every species on Earth has a fingerprint - whether or not they have fingers at all.
110 781
22.09.23 4:09
How eclipses proved that the Earth is slowing down
This video is supported by the NASA Heliophysics Education Activation Team (NASA HEAT), part of NASA’s Science Activation portfolio.
213 127
15.09.23 3:02
Why Do Weeping Willows Weep?
Most trees reach for the sun – but not the weeping willow. Why?
559 724
01.09.23 3:46
This Chemical Does Nothing, But It's Still Bad For You
Check out the MinuteFood video on Teflon here: youtu.be/R1hbV3EzOD4 PFAS - also known as the “forever chemicals” we use in all sorts of household products - are able to cause all sorts of
477 785
22.08.23 3:40
Is Bigger Better?
This video was made in partnership with Popsci!
499 992
10.08.23 3:22
The WEIRD Way Monkeys Got to America
Many of the greatest biological dispersal events in history likely happened because animals inadvertently traveled across the oceans on floating debris.
1 632 656
27.07.23 3:11
In The Future, Death Will Be Different
This video was made in partnership with Bill Gates.
242 852
21.07.23 4:43
Why Do People Hate Koalas? (ft. @tibees )
Go to our sponsor betterhelp.com/minuteearth for 10% off your first month of therapy with BetterHelp and get matched with a therapist who will listen and help.
1 228 281
13.07.23 3:50
Why Are They All In Antarctica?
Download the Tab For A Cause browser extension at tab.gladly.io/trees/minuteearth2 Meteorite hunters don’t search for meteorites in the places most frequently peppered by them – they go to
911 513
22.06.23 3:49
Should More Species Be Extinct?
Watch these amazing rewilding videos from our friends at Planet Wild, in which they’re saving Europe’s cutest bird from extinction or resurrecting a dying forest.
275 697
14.06.23 3:38
These Countries Are Cheating
Learn more at naturecanada.ca/lostinthewoods By overcounting how much carbon their forests suck up, and undercounting how much carbon their industries release, countries undercount
666 979
08.06.23 3:20
How Fish Get Away With Being Colorful
Coral reef fish get away with being colorful thanks to a weird quirk of underwater optics.
871 348
01.06.23 3:36
Why Most Fossils Are Incomplete
In 1990, fossil collectors in South Dakota stumbled across a dinosaur that turned out to be a really big deal. Not just because it was a T.
546 647
12.05.23 3:31
Ancient Humans Made Millions Of These - We Don’t Know Why
The Acheulean handaxe was the most common tool of early humans, but we still don’t know what the heck they used it for.
1 622 266
27.04.23 3:25
Why We Haven’t Learned More In 101 Years Of Trying
MinuteEarth Exclusive: Get 15% off of a Nautilus subscription at nautil.us/minuteearth Almost everything we know about the reproductive practices of European eels comes from a genius
530 834
13.04.23 3:32
This Is Not A Bug
It’s common to call creepy crawlies bugs, but because entomologists refer to a specific class of insects as bugs, it’s wrong to call other things bugs - right?
598 389
06.04.23 4:05
730 939
23.03.23 4:54
Is Pregnancy A Disease?
If you like this video, you'll love what we're cooking up over at MinuteFood! Check it out at youtube.com/minutefood We actually have no idea what a “disease” is.
247 740
06.03.23 2:14
You Can’t Actually Die Of Old Age
Go to our sponsor betterhelp.com/minuteearth for 10% off your first month of therapy with BetterHelp and get matched with a therapist who will listen and help.
1 401 543
21.02.23 3:29
The Weird Sex Lives of Bluegills
Download the Tab For A Cause browser extension at tabforacause.org/minuteearth2 When it comes to the mating game, fish have some of the strangest ways of thwarting the competition.
272 368
10.02.23 4:14
The Disease You Will Never Survive
Check out DeepMind's AlphaFold - and marvel at the complex 3D structure of proteins - at alphafold.ebi.ac.uk A simple mis-folding in a certain brain protein causes a disease for which we
1 286 263
26.01.23 2:22
Why Do Heart Attacks Cause *Arm* Pain?
We have new merch in our store!
588 616
29.12.22 3:48
What Is The Best Shape For A Farm?
This video was made in partnership with Gates Ventures. The shape of a farm can tell you a surprising amount about the land it's on and the people that use it.
448 919
23.12.22 3:42
When Was The Worst Time In History To Die?
Want to donate to the highest-impact charities AND get your donation matched up to $100?
1 051 515
20.12.22 3:21
The 3 Reasons This Tree Has Lived 5000 Years
Keep exploring at brilliant.org/MinuteEarth. Get started for free, and hurry – the first 200 people get 20% off an annual premium subscription.
502 340
15.12.22 4:36
Why It's Impossible To Win a Nuclear War
Check out the recipients of the 2022 Future of Life Award at futureoflife.org/future-of-life-award Nuclear war is a terrifying existential threat, but we shouldn't only fear the blasts
555 586
09.12.22 3:38
When Tree Planting Goes Wrong
Special thanks to the Society for Ecological Restoration and its global partners for their support during this production; and to the Convention on Biological Diversity, which is part of the United
563 567
06.12.22 2:40
Which Is Worse: Underpopulation Or Overpopulation?
This video was made in partnership with Gates Ventures.
2 081 148
17.11.22 3:09
What if We Replaced Nuclear With Potatoes
This video was made in partnership with Gates Ventures. Energy use can be confusing – I mean, how do you compare gasoline in your car to electricity piped to your house?
446 720
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