Tek Linux

185 тыс
6.98 млн
24 Янв 2015
27.04.19 24:06
Windows VM faster than Native Windows?! Threadripper 2990WX, Indigo Bench & NUMA w/Windows bld 18885
This is kind of a follow up to: youtube.com/watch?v=M2LOMTpCtLA In this live stream, we're going to take a look at 2990WX performance in a Windows VM and experiment with different NUMA
6 319
19.04.19 13:51
VLOG: Linux Gaming Experiments Update: Manjaro as a Gaming OS?
********************************** Thanks for watching our videos! If you want more, check us out online at the following places: + Website: level1techs.com + Forums: forum.level1techs.
115 596
18.03.19 9:24
Cavium Thunder X2: 3 Months Later -- FreeBSD, OpenSuse, RedHat
Benchmark/Review: youtube.com/watch?v=vCodnn0HOyI ********************************** Thanks for watching our videos!
20 316
12.02.19 16:34
Linux Gaming: 0 to Steam with the Sapphire RX 590 on Ubuntu!
amazon.com/dp/B07K12KNHG/?tag=level1techs-20 ********************************** Thanks for watching our videos!
68 636
16.08.18 12:35
Linux Gaming: DXVK, Wine, and Lutris (Part 2 of 4)
Written Guide: level1techs.com/article/gaming-linux-updated Linux Gaming Playlist: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLedCZ8hYKZBgRud3e1AqRiGxjse9S6BRk
84 593
25.07.18 13:14
Linux Gaming: Natively (part 1 of 4)
This is part one of our companion coverage with LTT on Gaming on Linux. First, let's talk about Native Gaming in Linux (and how far we've come. And how far we've got to go).
107 861
08.07.18 10:42
Modding the Lian Li PC-011 with a Touch Screen SSH Agent
Featuring the Asus Tinkerboard! Be sure to checkout Kryoton if you found this interesting.
38 537
06.06.18 7:33
Live from Computex -- Wendell's Udemy Linux Course Launch! (beta)
Coupon Link: udemy.com/level1-linux-intro/?couponCode=BETA2018-3 ********************************** Thanks for watching our videos!
17 584
31.05.18 14:37
Level1 Diagnostic: Fixing our Memcpy Troubles (for Looking Glass)
Find our new code at github.com/level1wendell. ********************************** Thanks for watching our videos!
25 078
27.04.18 12:18
How are Ryzen 2000 series desktop CPUs in Linux?
We test the Asus Crosshair Hero VII, The MSI M7 ACK and ECC memory, among other things. No unhappy surprises with Ryzen 2000! ********************************** Thanks for watching our videos!
105 363
11.03.18 18:58
Testing 5 systems for Kdenlive and Gaming with The Linux Gamer
Special Thanks to The Linux Gamer youtube.com/channel/UCv1Kcz-CuGM6mxzL3B1_Eiw ********************************** Thanks for watching our videos!
24 725
03.03.18 57:27
13 198
02.03.18 24:35
2018 Linux Predictions featuring The Linux Gamer!
The Linux Gamer's channel: youtube.com/channel/UCv1Kcz-CuGM6mxzL3B1_Eiw 2018 Tech News Bingo: pixeltux.com/?id=bingo-2018 ********************************** Thanks for watching
63 041
27.01.18 1:29:45
Livestream: Threadripper Fully Operational for VFIO/Passthrough
Fedora Patch Mini How-to (what we demo in the video): forum.level1techs.com/t/threadripper-reset-fixes/123937 Looking Glass quickstart guides (for once you get VFIO up and running)
26 715
25.11.17 46:52
Livestream: Headless PCIe Passthrough? Coming Very Soon
This is just a teaser, but I wanted to introduce Geoff and what is being worked on.
20 156
28.10.17 1:21:24
Livestream: Fix for Ryzen NPT Applied & Tested
Companion Article: level1techs.com/article/patch-npt-ryzen-better-performance
14 501
02.10.17 13:49
RX Vega 64 faster than 1080ti (On Linux)!? Yes, but...
We're giving away our test system with the Tech Deals channel -- please check it out! gleam.io/ROXU3/ryzen-5-1600x-gaming-pc-global-giveaway Full Benchmarks Testing soon!
108 030
26.08.17 2:23:06
Level1 Linux: Livestream (Setting up PCIe Passthrough on Fedora on X299 and Threadripper systems)
We've got two systems: i9 7900 and two Threadripper systems we're working on testing IOMMU. Come with questions.
57 115
25.06.17 33:46
GPU Passthrough for Virtualization with Ryzen: Now Working
Step-by-step guide with article at level1 techs: level1techs.com/article/ryzen-gpu-passthrough-setup-guide-fedora-26-windows-gaming-linux Recommended motherboards for this process
185 900
12.06.17 24:50
OpenSSH and Git Commitment
Help support Level 1 Techs Linux through our Inmotion Link: level1techs.com/inmotion Sign up and get a discount on your .tech domains: Level1 ($3.99 for 1 year registration) Level3
26 242
10.05.17 11:17
pfSense: Network Intrusion Detection w/Suricata (pt4)
pfSense Part 1: The Build and Initial Setup youtu.be/ledv33t6SNE pfSense Part 2: Secure Yourself with a VPN youtu.be/8jYibgeAV0Y pfSense part 3: Controlling Routes
61 761
29.04.17 13:22
pfSense Part 3: Controlling Routes
pfSense Part 1: The Build and Initial Setup youtu.be/ledv33t6SNE pfSense Part 2: Secure Yourself with a VPN youtu.be/8jYibgeAV0Y ********************************** Thanks for
64 740
10.04.17 50:56
Allan Jude Interview with Wendell - ZFS Talk & More
FreeBSD Mastery Advanced ZFS: zfsbook.com Allan Jude's Podcast: bsdnow.tv ********************************** Thanks for watching our videos!
40 244
26.03.17 19:34
Whole-network VPN with pfSense Router
Concerned about your ISP selling your unencrypted browsing data? Use a VPN for the whole network!
141 087
10.03.17 7:11
Ryzen: PCIe Passthrough Working, But...*
Update June 2017 -- AGESA is upon us AND brings patches to IOMMU! We will do an updated video very soon -- currently few motherboards offer UEFI that implement the platform updates from AMD.
104 314
07.03.17 19:01
A baudy Linux Hack: Hayes Modem modded to Linux Desktop (and modem time machine).
Vote for us! (Check out Bryan's project too first!)polljunkie.com/poll/fjospo/you-put-linux-on-that It's the year of the linux desktop!
62 284
09.02.17 9:54
Lunduke Project Update 01
Lunduke's Evil Linux-Powered Puppet: youtube.com/watch?v=jHZHD-_JuMw ********************************** Thanks for watching our videos!
34 874
06.02.17 17:12
Self-Hosted Mail Server w/ Cpanel
Help support Level 1 Techs Linux through our Inmotion Link: level1techs.com/inmotion Sign up and get a discount on your .tech domains: Level1 ($3.99 for 1 year registration) Level3
53 673
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