Tek Linux

185 тыс
7.12 млн
24 Янв 2015
13.09.15 20:49
257 389
12.06.20 31:50
What Is ZFS?: A Brief Primer
Helpful books by Allan Jude and Michael Lucas: amazon.com/dp/B00Y32OHNM/?tag=level1techs-20 amazon.com/dp/B01E40YIRM/?tag=level1techs-20 **********************************
225 728
02.03.15 10:58
Why Learn Linux? Teksyndicate's Intro / Why we're so enamored with Linux!
Wendell takes us through the right mindset to be in to begin to learn the Linux operating system, and the philosophy of tek's new coverage of the Linux OS.
205 093
01.05.19 13:09
Taking A Look At Pop!_OS From System76
"Windows VM faster than bare metal! for Indigo, 7zip, etc? On the 2990WX, yes.
194 880
25.06.17 33:46
GPU Passthrough for Virtualization with Ryzen: Now Working
Step-by-step guide with article at level1 techs: level1techs.com/article/ryzen-gpu-passthrough-setup-guide-fedora-26-windows-gaming-linux Recommended motherboards for this process
185 931
25.03.15 16:52
The Linux Community Sucks: According to Almost Every Outsider
********************************** Thanks for watching our videos! If you want more, check us out online at the following places: + Website: level1techs.com + Forums: forum.level1techs.
178 951
25.06.15 29:27
Ubuntu 15.04 on Surface Pro 3 - Recompile The Kernel
I found this handy guide which was very helpful for me in getting the Surface Pro 3 running well with Ubuntu 15.04 -- I still have to recompile the kernel, but many issues mentioned in this article
173 045
20.01.17 21:39
De-Google Yourself with NextCloud (also CPanel Intro)
Help support Level 1 Techs Linux through our Inmotion Link: level1techs.com/inmotion Sign up and get a discount on your .tech domains: Level1 ($3.99 for 1 year registration) Level3
162 743
07.07.15 17:04
Data Recovery Tutorial - Getting started with DDRescue and TestDisk
We've got an introduction to data recovery with DDRescue and TestDisk. TestDisk is probably where you'll want to start.
161 884
98 дней 13:48
Intel's New B580 GPU: Tested on Linux!
Main channel vid: youtube.com/watch?v=-M1bMzVzZF0 ********************************** Thanks for watching our videos!
145 803
26.03.17 19:34
Whole-network VPN with pfSense Router
Concerned about your ISP selling your unencrypted browsing data? Use a VPN for the whole network!
141 116
19.04.19 13:51
VLOG: Linux Gaming Experiments Update: Manjaro as a Gaming OS?
********************************** Thanks for watching our videos! If you want more, check us out online at the following places: + Website: level1techs.com + Forums: forum.level1techs.
115 598
17.07.15 3:07
Easy: How To Set Up Your Own Surveillance System in Linux
********************************** Thanks for watching our videos! If you want more, check us out online at the following places: + Website: level1techs.com + Forums: forum.level1techs.
113 953
08.03.15 19:11
Grokking Linux - A very brief intro to some terms for Linux Newbies
We've been working on some Linux for Beginners videos lately, and have had some questions about the terms.
109 770
02.10.17 13:49
RX Vega 64 faster than 1080ti (On Linux)!? Yes, but...
We're giving away our test system with the Tech Deals channel -- please check it out! gleam.io/ROXU3/ryzen-5-1600x-gaming-pc-global-giveaway Full Benchmarks Testing soon!
108 046
25.07.18 13:14
Linux Gaming: Natively (part 1 of 4)
This is part one of our companion coverage with LTT on Gaming on Linux. First, let's talk about Native Gaming in Linux (and how far we've come. And how far we've got to go).
107 882
30.03.15 47:05
Fireside Chat: Install Ubuntu 14.10 Gnome & Useful Apps
This is a sort of informal chat as we setup Ubuntu Gnome Gnu/Linux 14.10 with Gnome, Gnome Extensions, PHPStorm, PlayOnLinux, Steam, Chrome and more.
107 001
27.04.18 12:18
How are Ryzen 2000 series desktop CPUs in Linux?
We test the Asus Crosshair Hero VII, The MSI M7 ACK and ECC memory, among other things. No unhappy surprises with Ryzen 2000! ********************************** Thanks for watching our videos!
105 364
10.03.17 7:11
Ryzen: PCIe Passthrough Working, But...*
Update June 2017 -- AGESA is upon us AND brings patches to IOMMU! We will do an updated video very soon -- currently few motherboards offer UEFI that implement the platform updates from AMD.
104 324
07.09.21 16:09
XCP-ng: A Different Kind of Virtualization Platform?
Github link for do it yourselfers: github.com/ronivay/XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater ********************************** Thanks for watching our videos!
102 231
20.01.17 14:58
Level1 Linux: We're back, here's our roadmap
Linux Channel update! And out next video should be out in the next few hours too, on "De-Googling yourself (first of a series).
101 399
27.02.23 13:37
Linux on the 7950x3d
He's back!! This time taking a look at the 7950x3d cpu from AMD through the eyes of linux!
101 209
25.11.19 16:56
Threadripper 3000 Launch -- How's Linux?
Work-around for the kernel panic Machine Check Exception: forum.level1techs.com/t/compile-fedora-kernel-the-fedora-way/149242 (one line patch!) Phoronix/OpenBenchmarking Benchmarks
99 763
04.06.20 54:44
Computers Barely Work - Interview with Linux Legend Greg Kroah-Hartman
+ Build Video: youtu.be/37RP9I3_TBo + Gskill 256GB RAM Vid: youtu.be/GSIFsN1Ofqw + Forum Thread: forum.level1techs.com/t/gkh-threadripper-3970x-setup-notes/156330 +
96 649
27.03.16 18:13
Your Linux Server: Introduction 0001
This is the first video in a series that we've prepared. Sorry it was such a long time coming! Details in the video.
96 590
20.04.20 13:10
Install Linux & Steam on the Intel Compute Stick | LLL
********************************** Thanks for watching our videos! If you want more, check us out online at the following places: + Website: level1techs.com + Forums: forum.level1techs.
89 980
23.01.20 24:31
Getting The Most Out Of Your Epyc Server With Proxmox!
For more information: forum.level1techs.com/t/how-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-new-gigabyte-epyc-server/151602 ********************************** Thanks for watching our videos!
89 863
17.04.20 9:45
Ubuntu 20.04 Mdadm Setup Guide
********************************** Thanks for watching our videos!
88 821
05.01.24 24:19
Adventures at AMD: AMD and the Linux Kernel
Wendell gets the inside scoop on what the fine folks at AMD are doing for the Linux community!
88 363
14.08.15 18:09
From Arch Linux Install to Steam Streaming on a $150 PC
Full Disclosure: Though I'm no stranger to Linux, I am a bit of a newb with Arch. In this video I'm going to stumble my way through installing Arch Linux.
86 973
111 видео1далее