Introducción a Dataflow (Hablemos en Cloud)
Dataflow es la solucion gestionada de Apache Beam de Google. Nos permite transformar y cargar datos a Google Cloud usando el mismo código para streaming y batch.
21 092
Changing the Game with Cloud featuring Pocket Gems
With millions of smartphones connecting to the cloud, game developers have a global audience with billions of potential players.
21 016
Print Statements in TensorFlow
In this episode of AI Adventures, Yufeng explains how to properly use print statements in your TensorFlow graph. Check out the Medium post "Using tf.Print() in TensorFlow": tf.
21 013
Building and managing APIs for serverless with Google Cloud
Serverless APIs enable developers and enterprises to scale data and services out of the box without the burden of managing infrastructure issues.
20 994
Cloud Endpoints quickstart
Wanting to deploy your API, but don’t know how to quite do this? In this video, we’ll show you how to use Cloud Endpoints to deploy, test and manage your API’s.
20 990
How to Import a Keras model into TensorFlow.js
How can we get a Keras model to run on TensorFlow.js? One of the best things about TensorFlow.js is that it has the ability to collaborate across a range of platforms, languages, and devices.
20 975
How can you embed Looker?
Looker Developer Portal → Get Started with Embedding Looker → You have a Looker dashboard filled with useful data and insights, but can your users
20 964
Monitoring in BigQuery
Read the blog→ Read the docs→ Want to ensure that your BigQuery environment stays cost effective and secure?
20 922
Machine Learning - A New Programming Paradigm
In this video from RedHat Summit 2018, Cassie Kozyrkov demystifies machine learning and AI.
20 875
Building data lakes on Google Cloud
Google Cloud provides all the capabilities enterprises need to create and manage data lakes.
20 862
Optimizing Voice Commands and IVRs to Speech Analytics (Cloud Next '19)
With cloud-based services, speech recognition is easy to get started with, and it is more accurate and closer to human levels than it’s ever been before.
20 862
Measuring and improving Speech-to-Text accuracy
Google Cloud’s Speech-to-Text API provides incredible accuracy out of the box.
20 839
Dataproc: Qwik Start - Qwiklabs Preview
Preview of the Dataproc: Qwik Start lab.
20 810
Metadata management
Metadata on Kubeflow → You’re looking for ways to improve your machine learning workflow performance, efficiency, and accuracy over time and Kubeflow metadata can help you
20 809
Centralized Logging Solution for Google Cloud Platform (Cloud Next '18)
What do configuration changes, stack traces and billing events all have in common? You’ll want them all in your centralized log management system.
20 782
What Is on Earth: A Big Data Problem (Cloud Next '19)
If you have a lot of data you want to gain insight on, so does the scientific community as it attempts to produce a land cover map of Earth.
20 755
Cloud Run user auth for internal apps
Enabling IAP for Cloud Run → GitHub → In this video, Martin demonstrates how to host an application on Cloud Run using Google's Identity-Aware Proxy
20 725
Local SSD in a minute
Wanting to find a tool that gives you extra storage for your VM instances? In this episode of Cloud Bytes, Jen Person explains what a Local SSD is and the different use cases for this tool.
20 684
Activate real-time web experiences with Stream Analytics
Everyday companies are looking to improve the customer shopping experience on their e-commerce platforms.
20 627
Getting started with Cloud Logging
Want to make sure that your cloud services are free from any vulnerabilities, threats, or errors that can make it unreliable?
20 607
Connecting to Cloud SQL from Kubernetes
Explore the ins and outs of connecting to Cloud SQL from Google Kubernetes Engine.
20 560
Serving Scikit-learn Models at Scale
Scikit-learn is a great tool for building your models. When it comes time to deploy them to prediction, scale up using Google Cloud ML Engine.
20 540
Decision Intelligence with Cassie Kozyrkov: GCPPodcast 128
Original post: Chief Decision Scientist, Cassie Kozyrkov joins Mark and Melanie this week to explains what is
20 521
Introducing Datastream
Check out the documentation → Datastream is a serverless Change Data Capture (CDC) and replication service that makes it easy to synchronize data across heterogeneous
20 487
BigQuery and Open Datasets
We all love data. But it can be hard to make practical use of large datasets.
20 460
Cloud Functions Cold Boot Time (Cloud Performance Atlas)
In this episode of Cloud Performance atlas, Colt McAnlis helps some toy makers with their Cloud Functions boot times. Will performance be the hot toy this holiday season? Stay tuned to find out!
20 457
Creating a Shared Virtual Private Cloud
Join Lorin and Gustavo as they chat about what a Shared Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is and the benefits of using a Shared VPC, followed by a demonstration of how to build a Shared VPC on Google
20 427
Build Your App
From GCP Live 11/4/2014. Ready to write some code? How can you quickly go from initial design or concept to a working and viable product? This session will take you from concept to production.
20 427
Combining CDN + Load Balancing for Better Performance (Cloud Performance Atlas)
In this episode of Cloud Performance Atlas, Colt McAnlis helps some tax experts break out from the crowd, reduce their instance count, and leverage the hidden features of Google's load balancers.
20 416
Cloud AI Platform Pipelines overview
AI Platform Pipeline documentation → Want a pipeline environment without having to set up a whole Kubeflow deployment?
20 407