Google Chrome Developers

775 тыс
177 млн
1 898
24 Апр 2012
20.03.18 2:43
JavaScript Symbols - HTTP203
Jake Archibald explains JavaScript Symbols to Surma in 2 minutes. What do you use them for!? Why!? All will be revealed...
24 177
15.03.18 6:34
Caching Headers for WordPress: Commit Log - Supercharged
Surma is building a PWA using WordPress. In this episode he explains how you can drastically improve your loading performance by setting up caching headers.
7 665
13.03.18 3:03
Webpack and Workers - HTTP203
The speed round is back! Surma has but two minutes to explain his recent exploration of Webpack and Workers to Jake.
11 673
08.03.18 1:40
cURL - Supercharged
Surma shows you DevTools “Copy as cURL” option and how it helps with debugging. If you have questions or suggestions, hit us up on Twitter!
13 470
06.03.18 3:15
New in Chrome 65: CSS Paint API, Server Timing API, and CSS display: contents
Chrome 65 adds support for the new CSS Paint API, which allows you to programmatically generate an image.
34 064
02.03.18 6:32
Chrome 65 - What's New in DevTools
New to DevTools in Chrome 65: Local Overrides, new accessibility tools, the Changes tab, new performance and SEO audits, reliable code stepping with worker and async code, and multiple recordings in
124 584
01.03.18 3:41
Wrap Up - PWA Roadshow
Additional resources for the Progressive Web App Roadshow video series, including additional links, libraries and a preview of some of the new and upcoming web platform features that will land in
4 534
01.03.18 6:20
Critical CSS loading for WordPress: Commit Log - Supercharged
Surma is building a PWA using WordPress. In this series, he explains how you can structure your CSS so your page will load much more efficiently. If you have questions, let us know in the comments!
10 227
28.02.18 12:33
Starting Fast and Staying Fast with AMP and Progressive Web Apps - PWA Roadshow
If your app takes too long to load, it doesn't matter how awesome it is, or that you've got a service worker setup to ensure that subsequent loads are snappy. Users will bail.
15 400
27.02.18 15:47
Tooling for Progressive Web Apps - PWA Roadshow
Building a Progressive Web App doesn’t necessarily mean starting from scratch. We need insight into areas for improvement and tactical fixes that could be applied to our existing codebases.
6 575
27.02.18 7:39
120fps - HTTP203
Most devices run at 60Hz, but some new devices run at 120Hz. What does this mean for us mere mortal engineers?
16 897
27.02.18 14:01
Secure Experiences - PWA Roadshow
With Progressive Web Apps, we can create user experiences that are fast, reliable and engaging. These capabilities give us a lot of power.
6 721
23.02.18 23:46
Engaging Experiences - PWA Roadshow
Progressive Web Apps give us an opportunity to reset our expectations and to loudly declare that We Can Do Better when designing user experiences on the web.
9 132
22.02.18 18:13
Reliable Experiences - PWA Roadshow
Progressive Web Apps need to load instantly and reliably, never showing the downasaur, even under uncertain network conditions.
10 164
22.02.18 1:50:56
Server-Side rendering with Firebase: Live Code Session - Supercharged
In this Supercharged Live Code Session, Surma is joined by Firebase specialist David East.
24 455
21.02.18 14:43
Integrated Experiences - PWA Roadshow
Users expect to be able to interact with Progressive Web Apps in the same way they do all of the other apps on their device.
19 218
20.02.18 21:51
Progressive Web Apps - PWA Roadshow
Progressive Web Apps, or PWAs, are experiences that combine the best of the web and the best of apps.
170 428
17.02.18 10:00
Building an Element in Polymer 2: Making it Work! (Part 5 of 5)
In the fifth and final part of our series on building an element in Polymer 2, Elliott adds logic to the element to make the checklist fully functional.
27 096
17.02.18 6:44
Building an Element in Polymer 2: Making it Look Good! (Part 4 of 5)
In part four of our series on building an element in Polymer 2, Elliott gets the basic checklist we mocked up looking production ready using pre-made elements and styling.
6 866
17.02.18 5:52
Building an Element in Polymer 2: Basic Polymer Conversion (Part 3 of 5)
In part three of our series on building an element in Polymer 2, Elliott mocks up some code for a simple checklist then starts refining it using Polymer.
7 790
17.02.18 3:45
Building an Element in Polymer 2: Understanding Polymer Project Structure (Part 2 of 5)
In part two of our series on building an element in Polymer 2, Elliott goes over the basic structure and layout of a project using demo code.
12 093
16.02.18 4:27
Building an Element in Polymer 2: Install Tools & Initialize Project (Part 1 of 5)
In this episode of Polycasts, Elliott demonstrates building an element in Polymer 2. This episode is broken into 5 parts, links to the rest of the videos are below.
18 395
15.02.18 1:17
Object Spread - Supercharged
Surma shows you the new Object Spread operator “...” in JavaScript. If you have questions or suggestions, hit us up on Twitter!
8 039
13.02.18 4:35
EventTarget - HTTP203
EventTarget has arrived in Canary! Ooooh. Surma & Jake discuss what this means for the web.
10 384
08.02.18 5:52
Templating for WordPress: Commit Log - Supercharged
Surma is building a PWA using WordPress. In this series, he explains every step taken and every revelation he’s had. If you have questions, feel free to leave them in the comments.
8 412
01.02.18 1:27
Hoisting - Supercharged
When you declare functions in JavaScript, they are “hoisted”. Surma explains how in this video. If you have questions or suggestions, hit us up on Twitter!
11 323
30.01.18 4:30
Import() - HTTP203
JavaScript now has a way to dynamically import modules using the import() function. But is it really a function?
14 716
25.01.18 7:22
Docker for WordPress: Commit Log - Supercharged
Surma is building a PWA using WordPress. In this series, he explains every step taken and every revelation had. If you have questions, feel free to leave them in the comments.
12 272
24.01.18 3:31
New in Chrome 64: ResizeObservers, Named Captures, import.meta and more!
Chrome 64 adds support for ResizeObservers, which will notify you when an element’s content rectangle has changed its size.
25 190
18.01.18 3:32
Introducing Progressive WordPress: Commit Log - Supercharged
Surma's most recent project involves building a PWA using WordPress in the back end. 28% of domains use WordPress, which is written in PHP.
10 738
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