Legitimate Cold Fusion Exists | Muon-Catalyzed Fusion
Thanks to Brilliant.org for supporting MinutePhysics - the first 200 people to go to brilliant.org/minutephysics will get 20% off of a premium subscription to all of Brilliant's courses
1 412 732
How To Stop Structures from SHAKING: LEGO Saturn V Tuned Mass Damper
Thanks to LEGO for sponsoring this video.
596 724
The Twins Paradox Hands-On Explanation | Special Relativity Ch. 8
for 20% off a premium subscription to Brilliant!
477 485
The Physics of Caramel: How To Make a Caramelized Sugar Cube
Watch the original video in Spanish here: youtube.com/watch?v=J2Vkv5GQXww This video is about how the physics and chemistry of sugar (in particular, how it melts, and how it
627 714
Feynman's Lost Lecture (ft. 3Blue1Brown)
Check out Grant’s channel: 3blue1brown: youtube.com/3blue1brown This video recounts a lecture by Richard Feynman giving an elementary demonstration of why planets orbit in ellipses.
3 647 441
Spacetime Intervals: Not EVERYTHING is Relative | Special Relativity Ch. 7
for 20% off a premium subscription to Brilliant!
515 212
Extraterrestrial Cycloids - Why Are They on Europa?
Thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and Space Telescope Science Institute for supporting this video.
558 344
Relativistic Addition of Velocity | Special Relativity Ch. 6
for 20% off a premium subscription to Brilliant!
666 033
Length Contraction and Time Dilation | Special Relativity Ch. 5
for 20% off a premium subscription to Brilliant!
972 053
Relativity of Simultaneity | Special Relativity Ch. 4
for 20% off a premium subscription to Brilliant!
874 259
Lorentz Transformations | Special Relativity Ch. 3
for 20% off a premium subscription to Brilliant!
1 961 880
The Brown Dwarf Debate
Thanks to NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) project and the Space Telescope Science Institute for supporting this video.
507 371
NEW SHOW! | The Science of Seeing
Watch Paradigms Here: vrv.co/paradigms And please let me know what you think!
268 414
Spacetime Diagrams | Special Relativity Ch. 2
to learn more about spacetime diagrams and for 20% off a premium subscription to Brilliant.
1 312 192
Why is Relativity Hard? | Special Relativity Chapter 1
for supporting this video!
1 635 081
How We Know Black Holes Exist
Thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and Space Telescope Science Institute for supporting this video. Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
1 141 590
The Unreasonable Efficiency of Black Holes
for sponsoring this video! Check out their black hole course at brilliant.org/minutephysicsblackhole Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
4 312 384
The Black Hole Tipping Point
for sponsoring this video! Check out their black hole course at brilliant.org/minutephysicsblackhole Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
1 499 132
Are University Admissions Biased? | Simpson's Paradox Part 2
Simpson's Paradox Part 2. Thanks to Skillshare for supporting this video! Head to skl.sh/minutephysics for your first two months free.
640 796
Time Travel in Fiction Rundown
Thanks to YouTube RED’s new original series, LIFELINE, for sponsoring this video.
11 717 563
How to Build a Teleporter with Aliens
The first 200 people to use skl.sh/minutephysics30 get 30% off a premium Skillshare subscription. Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
748 819
Solar Panels Made With a Particle Accelerator?!
Find more about investing in Rayton solar on startengine.com/startup/rayton-solar And on RaytonSolar.com Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
634 468
Bell's Theorem: The Quantum Venn Diagram Paradox
Featuring 3Blue1Brown Watch the 2nd video on 3Blue1Brown here: youtube.com/watch?v=MzRCDLre1b4 Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
8 020 042
Myths and Facts About Superintelligent AI
Join the AI conversation: AgeofAI.org This video was based on Max’s book "Life 3.0”, which you can find at: amzn.to/2iEwe6w Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
1 107 323
Misconceptions Footnote †: Randomness and Feedback
Footnote to the main video here: youtu.be/HUti6vGctQM Feedback loops and spurious correlations!
352 640
Correlation CAN Imply Causation! | Statistics Misconceptions
Have fun improving your math & physics skills!
745 615
Black Holes, Neutron Stars, and White Dwarfs (Collab. w/ MinuteEarth)
Watch the MinuteEarth video here – I PROMISE it's really really really good: youtube.com/watch?v=pAI1N96t8Vk MinutePhysics & MinuteEarth are on Patreon
613 122
Will Batteries Power The World? | The Limits Of Lithium-ion
$2000 Anker Contest Link: bit.ly/2u5YUqb Link to the PowerCore+ 26800 (the one I showed in the video): amzn.to/2vwh9Jr Real Engineering's video: youtu.be/ahxBbEwhIE0 Sam and
926 390
What Is The Shape of Space? (ft. PhD Comics)
A collaboration with Jorge Cham and Daniel Whiteson, check out "We Have No Idea" at wehavenoidea.com Jorge's PhDComics: phdcomics.com Numberphile video about sports in
2 609 550