Extraterrestrial Cycloids - Why Are They on Europa?

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MinutePhysics5.83 млн
51 день – 91 5376:26
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Опубликовано 26 июня 2018, 12:00
Thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and Space Telescope Science Institute for supporting this video.

This video is about the cycloid curves on Jupiter's moon Europa - they're ridges or valleys in the icy surface that formed due to some sort of geological or tectonic-esque phenomenon. The answer involves ping pong balls, the pacific ring of fire, subduction, tidal bulges, and tailcracking,


Europa image: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia...

Europa “google maps” explorere: mapaplanet.org/explorer-bin/ex...

Cycloid: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cycloid

Formation of Europa cycloid cracks: pirlwww.lpl.arizona.edu/HIIPS/...

Smashed ping pong ball: researchgate.net/figure/222359...

Dented ping pong balls: katharine-yi.com/uploads/1/8/4...

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