Microsoft Office

676 тыс
256 млн
1 818
5 Дек 2007
20.03.19 0:59
Marketing for small business: Stick to one social media platform
Marketing your business? Owner of Ulivo Home Design Lelia shares her tip of using just one social media app, to spend less time posting and more time designing.
1 552
18.03.19 3:24
Bills and subscriptions with Office 365 for business
In Office 365, you can review your monthly bill and manage your subscriptions. Learn more at the Office 365 Training Center:
4 146
18.03.19 4:03
Office 365 admin center overview
Use the Office 365 admin center to manage people, software, and cloud services. Learn more at the Office 365 Training Center:
61 879
14.03.19 1:53
Security beyond Microsoft products
With Microsoft, security can be simple once again.
5 838
14.03.19 0:46
Uninterrupted work: A pro hack for staying focused on your task
Silence the attention seekers! Terry from Livible, a full service storage company, offers his productivity hack for completing work uninterrupted.
1 951
14.03.19 0:46
Delegating tasks and stepping away: a key productivity hack
Rational Interaction's Selina Petosa highlights how delegating tasks and trusting her team allows her to stay productive and bring value whenever possible.
1 146
14.03.19 0:57
Delayed email delivery: Eliminate distractions, boost productivity
Pyramide Production's own Jennifer talks about her productivity hack to limited distracting communications while still answering customer and partner inquiries.
3 685
11.03.19 0:52
Tackle your daily to-do list: Use your productive time wisely
Jen at Longtin Media Group shares her daily routine for time management to ensure she completes her most important task each day.  #ProductivityHacks by Microsoft 365 brings quick, smart strategies
1 931
08.03.19 0:36
How to change the margins in your Microsoft Word document
Change margins in your Microsoft Word document to change the layout and make sure everything fits. Learn more at the Word Help Center:
12 906
08.03.19 1:44
Project or client files storage with Office 365 for business
Use an Office 365 group to store and share files with clients, or share files for a project within your company. Learn more at the Office 365 Training Center:
2 369
07.03.19 0:45
Add an or Office 365 account in Outlook for Mac
Add your or Office 365 email account into Outlook for Mac. Learn more at the Outlook Help Center:
20 436
07.03.19 2:49
Company file storage with Office 365 for business
Storing company files on an Office 365 SharePoint site provides secure cloud storage and access from any device by anyone at the company.
6 659
06.03.19 0:51
No more receipts: Productivity hack for tracking your business expenses
Hear from Alex at evilolive who has a helpful productivity hack for tracking business expenses and never missing a deductible expense on your expense report.
3 374
04.03.19 2:09
Microsoft Cloud App Security - A uniquely integrated Cloud Access Security Broker
Microsoft Cloud App Security is a Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), powered by a unique approach to deliver state-of-the-art security for multi-cloud environments, via native integrations.
11 242
01.03.19 10:29
Microsoft 365 update for February 2019
Links: Kirk’s communication: Video resources: Based on Kirk Koenigsbauer's monthly New to Microsoft 365 communication, Jim Naroski covers
32 558
27.02.19 0:49
Set reminders, Tom @ Driven Car Reviews Productivity Hack
Tom Voelk from Driven Car Reviews shares how he recharges his engine, remembering to take breaks for exercise to increase his daily productivity.
1 610
27.02.19 0:53
Sync email & data: Productivity hack for the mobile worker
Learn how James at Manner of Speaking uses cross device apps to easily sync his work and increase productivity wherever the job takes him.
1 109
27.02.19 0:57
Utilize video chat: Cut out travel with video calling apps
Video conferencing is a great way to work more productively. Paula @ CreateHive gets right to work with clients by using Skype for virtual meetings.
1 122
25.02.19 1:10
Create and share a party menu with OneNote
Plan your party menu in OneNote. Gather ideas, save recipes, and create a shopping list, Then, invite other party planners to view the menu and add their ideas.
7 793
25.02.19 0:37
Apply a theme in Microsoft Word
Apply a theme to quickly format an entire Microsoft Word document and give it a modern, professional look. Learn more at the Word Help Center:
95 566
25.02.19 3:33
Employee file storage with Office 365 for business
OneDrive offers several ways to save and share documents.
14 095
25.02.19 1:03
Bring your presentations to life with 3D images in Microsoft PowerPoint
Whether you're creating a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint or building a catalog in Excel, 3D makes your work stand out.
26 941
25.02.19 1:29
How to draw with OneNote
Draw or sketch in OneNote to bring your notes to life. Learn more at the OneNote Help Center:
19 213
25.02.19 1:11
Copy cell formatting in Microsoft Excel
Copy cell formatting in your Excel worksheet using copy and paste options, Format Painter, and dragging techniques. Learn more at the Excel Help Center:
127 362
25.02.19 2:12
Where to store files in Office 365 for business
One of the benefits of Office 365 is having access to your work files from anywhere, on any device.
18 653
25.02.19 2:09
Create Groups for projects or clients in Microsoft Outlook 2016
You can use Office 365 groups as shared collaboration spaces for projects or clients.
3 340
25.02.19 1:55
Set up a meeting in Microsoft Outlook 2016
Use Outlook to schedule meetings for yourself and other employees, either in person or virtually via Skype for Business. Learn more at the Office 365 Training Center:
27 536
22.02.19 0:55
Collect it all in OneNote
OneNote makes it easy to collect everything from recipes, to gift ideas, to your weekend plans , and then share that information with others.
9 707
22.02.19 2:17
Set up Skype for meetings
After installing Skype for Business, you'll want to add contacts, specify audio preferences, add a profile picture, and learn how to initiate instant messages and calls.
26 849
22.02.19 0:59
Knowledge base & resources: On-boarding new members
Jet City Improv's Margaret shares her productivity hack to stay focused on the creative part of shows, by building resources to help on-board cast members.
3 351
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