I Got PULLED OVER in my NASCAR! (too many bald eagles)

6 975 687
Опубликовано 10 февраля 2018, 16:40
CLEETUS MERCH - goo.gl/d2j71j
Haha well we knew this was only a matter of time...

-Leroy's ECU (Holley Dominator) - goo.gl/JjvakM
-Precision Turbo (turbos, BOV, waste gates) - precisionturbo.net
-Jeremy's Shop, Fasterproms (tuning) - (813) 476-7364
-Texas Speed & Performance - (512) 863-0900
-Motion Raceworks - (563) 345-7223
-ProFab Performance Plus - (727) 849-9300
-RPM Transmissions - www.rpmtransmissions.com
-Billet T4 Flanges - www.streetcarrfabrication.com

"Leroy the Savage T-SHIRT" - goo.gl/2FSYaS
“DO IT FOR DALE” Cleetus/1320Video T-Shirt - goo.gl/2jvjJw
Cleetus "Twin Turbskies" T-Shirts - goo.gl/TYBLcV
Motoloot Key Tags! - motoloot.com/collections/cleet...

Music by Joakim Karud youtube.com/joakimkarud

**Social Media:
Instagram - goo.gl/LZvy5e
Facebook - goo.gl/gdwhh1

**SEND ME FAN MAIL... (bald eagles welcome)
Cleetus McFarland
6921 E St Rd 70
Bradenton FL 34203
United States of America
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