Why Traffic Wardens Don't Deserve Your Hate | Your Car Stories

97 677
Car Throttle3.06 млн
26.03.21 – 957 45812:43
Driving The Car That TikTok Built
24.02.23 – 962 84217:52
$500,000 Vs $5000 Movie Camera Car
Опубликовано 22 марта 2021, 17:00
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This week we talk about the prices of cars in Denmark, a frightening acetylene bomb prank and Alex has a new 'Guess The Price Of The Car' game.
SUBSCRIBE: bit.ly/CTSubscribe​​

----- Chapters -----

0:00​ - Intro
9:44 - Grinds My Gears: Traffic Wardens
18:53 - Guess The Price Of The Car: Alex
32:25 - Grinds My Gears: Car Prices In Denmark
37:29 - Story: Acetylene Bomb Prank
43:48 - Your Opinion: Is The Porsche Boxster A 'Mid-Life Crisis' Car?
50:08 - Outro

----- Listen To The Podcast -----

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Everywhere: bit.ly/CarThrottle_Podcast​

----- Follow The Guys -----

Alex: instagram.com/autoalex​
Ethan: instagram.com/ethansmale​
Jack: instagram.com/jackwjoy​

----- Follow Car Throttle -----

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