2005 Honda Odyssey Engine Work (Episode 3) Fixing it Forward

79 868
EricTheCarGuy1.82 млн
02.04.21 – 138 31335:08
Fixing Up My Brothers Rusty Element
145 дней – 8 9280:59
Free Techron for the Taking in MA
Опубликовано 26 марта 2021, 14:24
In this episode of Fixing it Forward I work on the engine in the 2005 Honda Odyssey. I replace the timing belt and water pump, valve cover gaskets, spark plugs, rear catalytic converter, side engine mount, transmission fluid, battery and battery terminals.

I also perform a compression test on the engine as well as talk about the VCM system and how some people like to delete it.

There is still quite a bit of work to do on this Odyssey, but I’ve made a lot of progress bringing it back. I hope you find it entertaining and educational.

Link to (Episode 2): youtu.be/GhntxkowIco

Link to (Episode 4): youtu.be/Jkhxq_NIYFs

ETCG1 Video about the return of Fixing it Forward (Donations): youtu.be/zGxrRsgnuK0

#ETCGVideo #FixingItForward #HondaOdyssey

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Revenge Body Beat by Nana Kwabena (YouTube Music)


Gearwrench Stud Sockets: gearwrench.com/gearwrench-4176...

Ingersoll Rand 3/8" Impact: ingersollrand.com/en-us/power-...

1/4” @MilwaukeeTool Driver: milwaukeetool.com/Products/Pow...

Brake Cleaner Sprayer: jbtoolsales.com/titan-tools-te...

CRC Brake Cleaner 5 Gallon: amazon.com/gp/product/B000M8PY...

Spill Free Funnel: jbtoolsales.com/lisle-24680-sp...


Rear Valve Cover gasket (EX-T): 12351-RDV-J00

Regular Valve Cover gasket set: 12030-RYE-A01

Rear Catalytic Converter: amazon.com/dp/B0044FPDWM/ref=a...

“Correct” Front O2 Sensor: amazon.com/gp/product/B08L39RC...

Side Engine Mount: amazon.com/Anchor-9411-Engine-...

Timing Belt and Water Pump Kit: amazon.com/gp/product/B08JHQY2...

Battery Terminals: amazon.com/gp/product/B07QZRKX...

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