WE BROKE IT! Thrashing our Hilux | Off Road ADVENTURE | Worlds Best 4X4 Channel

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Mighty Car Mods3.91 млн
24.03.23 – 59 4430:11
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289 дней – 349 50517:23
Budget VIP Build - JDM Toyota Crown Majesta
Опубликовано 22 марта 2023, 19:13
This is wild, but it doesn't end well! After buying, and modifying the cheapest Hilux in Australia, we head out into the bush to give it a good thrashing. Plus we're joined by a very special guest...

Thanks to Nats What I Reckon for joining us for this episode

We used the Ryobi Power Station

We used the Ryobi Fridge to keep our vegan smoothie cold

NCM: Worlds Best BBQ Sauce (with NATS WHAT I RECKON)

Nat's What I Reckon SPECIAL GUEST [Unicorn Circuit EP93]

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Also something to note around Mighty Car Mods: we are normal guys and are not trained mechanics. We like to make interesting car mods and show you how we've gone about it, but we can't promise that anything we show you will work for your particular car, or that you won't harm yourself, someone else, your car or your warranty doing it. Please be safe, be responsible and unless you know what you're doing, do not fool around with very serious machinery just because you've seen us make it look so easy. Talk to a qualified mechanic if you are in any doubt. Some of the products featured in this video may be supplied by sponsors. For a list of our current sponsors please go to mightycarmods.com