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Опубликовано 13 ноября 2017, 17:26
Ни одна ЗОЖ система не обойдётся без восстановления во время сна. Здесь я расскажу про некоторые методы засчёт которых можно улучшить качество и безопасно уменьшить количество сна.


Влияние времени отбоя и циркадных циклов температуры на сон.
опубликовано в журнале Sleep
2. Журнал физиологической антропологии об отрицательном влиянии высокой температуры на стабильность сна ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/...

The thermal environment is a key determinant of sleep because thermoregulation is strongly linked to the mechanism regulating sleep [1]. Excessively high or low ambient temperature (Ta) may affect sleep even in healthy humans without insomnia. Furthermore, disturbed nocturnal sleep affects not only daytime activities, but is also related to various adverse health effects, such as obesity [2], quality of life, and even mortality [3,4]. These findings indicate that maintaining a comfortable thermal sleep environment is important for sleep maintenance as well as daytime activities and health status. Among the various thermal environmental factors, the relationship between Ta and the use of clothing and beddings differs greatly between humans and animals. The effects of Ta on sleep stages differ depending on whether subjects are semi-nude or use bedding and clothing, making it difficult to extrapolate the results of animal studies related to thermal environment and sleep to humans. The use of clothing and beddings greatly aid in maintaining the body temperature at an acceptable thermal state in a variety of environments by providing thermal resistance for the human body from its environment [5]. In this review, based on our studies related to thermoregulation and sleep in humans, the effects of the thermal environment on sleep and circadian rhythm are discussed. The effects of heat and cold exposure, including bedding and clothing conditions along with their effects in the elderly, are of special interest, because these are the important factors that most impact sleep and thermoregulation.

3. О положительных эффектах заклеивания рта и как это делать
4. О сне на твёрдых поверхностях