Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.3 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
07.09.16 1:19:21
Uncoupled Dynamics and Strategic Equilibrium
The dynamical system in the repeated play of a game is uncoupled if each player initially knows only his own payoff function.
07.09.16 49:50
A variant of Lehmer's conjecture
Let f be a fixed cusp form of weight at least 2. We show that for a set of n of density one, there is a common factor between n and the n-th Fourier coefficient of f.
07.09.16 54:03
The diameter and mixing time of critical random graphs
Let C_1 denote the largest connected component of the critical Erdos-Renyi random graph G(n,1/n).
07.09.16 59:44
The Power of a Positive No: How to Say No and Still Get to Yes
In thirty years of negotiation work, William Ury has learned that the most essential skill in negotiating and resolving conflicts is the one the vast majority of us have the most difficulty
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07.09.16 1:19:58
Continuous Coordination: Bridging Formal and Informal Coordination with Palantír
Modern software engineering tools exhibit a fundamental paradox: they are meant to support the collaborative activity of software development, but cause individuals and groups to work independently
07.09.16 58:57
Behind the Code with Rico Mariani
Occasionally the office of the CTO, David Vaskevitch, sits down with some of Microsoft's most influential technical employees to capture their stories.
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07.09.16 1:10:50
Checking Consistency of Concurrent Data Types on Relaxed Memory Models
Concurrency libraries can facilitate the development of multi-threaded programs by providing concurrent implementations of familiar data types such as queues or sets.
07.09.16 30:50
Copyright and P2P: Global collision, national responses
The talk will focus on the different legal issues involved in ascertaining whether those whose business is based on the exploitation of P2P enabling software should bear liability for copyright
07.09.16 1:19:06
The Design Process
Brendan will come and talk about this design process, show a lot of demos of his work, and be available for questions.
07.09.16 1:13:46
Signal Processing work of University of Cagliari
Prof. Daniel D. Giusto, University of Cagliari: the Multimedia Communications Lab (10min) Prof.
07.09.16 1:08:12
Belief Updating in Spoken Language Interfaces
Over the last decade, advances in natural language processing technologies have paved the way for the emergence of complex spoken language interfaces.
07.09.16 1:14:08
Why almost all k-colorable graphs are easy
Coloring a $k$-colorable graph using $k$ colors ($k\geq 3$) is a notoriously hard problem. Considering average case analysis allows for better results.
07.09.16 1:40:35
Developing Physically-Based, Dynamic Vocal Tract Models Using ArtiSynth
We describe the process of using ArtiSynth, a 3D biomechanical simulation platform, to build models of the vocal tract and upper airway which are capable of simulating speech sounds.  ArtiSynth
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07.09.16 55:58
Bayesian Inference of Grammars
Mark Johnson (Joint work with Sharon Goldwater and Tom Griffiths) Even though Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) of Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars (PCFGs) is well-understood (the
07.09.16 1:06:20
Approximation Algorithms for Unique Games
Unique games are constraint satisfaction problems that can be viewed as a generalization of MAX CUT to a larger domain: We are given a graph G = (V,E) on n vertices and a permutation P_{uv} on the
07.09.16 47:44
Conference XP - Internet2 Collaboration Programs
Microsoft Research – 7 сентября 2016, 16:51
07.09.16 1:11:46
Storied Experiences: Investing in Culture [1/2]
This talk presents a new design perspective of time-based interactivity and expression, which Lee calls Storied
07.09.16 1:04:08
Evolutionarily Stable Strategies of Random Games, and the Vertices of Random Polygons [1/10]
An evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) is an equilibrium strategy that is immune to invasions by rare alternative (mutant) strategies. Unlike Nash equilibria, ESS do not always exist in finite games.
07.09.16 1:10:03
Niche Envy: Marketing Discrimination in the Digital Age
We have all been to websites that welcome us by name, offering us discounts, deals or special access to content.
07.09.16 1:08:05
Models as Structures: The Structural Semantics of Model-based design
Model-based design encourages architects to use customized architectural languages that precisely target their problem domains.
07.09.16 1:17:18
Change or Die: Overcoming the Five Myths of Change at Work and in Life
Change or die. What if you were given that choice? What if it werenΓÇÖt just the hyperbolic rhetoric that conflates corporate performance with life or death?
07.09.16 1:24:08
The New Argonauts: Regional Advantage in a Global Economy [1/2]
Like the Greeks who sailed with Jason in search of the Golden Fleece, the new Argonauts-foreign born, technically skilled entrepreneurs who travel back and forth between Silicon Valley and their
07.09.16 1:02:36
Two Dozen Programmers, Three years, 4,732 Bugs and One Quest for Transcendent Software [1/2]
Why is software so hard? Our civilization runs on software, yet the art of creating it continues to be a dark mystery, even to the experts, and the greater the ambitions, the more it seem to fail.
07.09.16 1:02:17
A p-adic algorithm to compute the Hilbert class polynomial
A classical approach of constructing elliptic curves that can be used for cryptographic purposes relies on the theory of complex multiplication.
07.09.16 1:14:47
Making Concurrency Mainstream
The most widely used concurrent software techniques, which are based on threads, monitors (or approximations to monitors), and semaphores, yield incomprehensible and untestable software.
07.09.16 1:07:19
Enhancing the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method
The Markov Chain Monte Carlo method is arguably the most powerful algorithmic tool available for approximate counting problems.
07.09.16 45:29
Elliptic Nets with Applications to Cryptography
An elliptic divisibility sequence is an integer recurrence sequence related to the multiples of a rational point on an elliptic curve.
07.09.16 1:23:30
Joint Cluster Analysis of Attribute Data and Relationship Data: Problems, Algorithms & Applications
Attribute data and relationship data are two principle types of data, representing the intrinsic and extrinsic properties of entities.
07.09.16 58:32
Extractors for a Constant Number of Polynomially Small Min-Entropy Independent Sources
In this work we show how to deterministically extract high quality randomness from several independent sources of low quality randomness.
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