Microsoft Research

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50.3 млн
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24 Окт 2008
07.09.16 20:26
Conference XP - Welcome
Microsoft Research – 7 сентября 2016, 16:34
07.09.16 48:14
American Vulgar: The Politics Of Manipulation Versus The Culture Of Awareness
In his new book philosopher Grudin examines postwar developments in American social consciousness, as we have moved from the nineteenth century ideal of the commonwealth to the contemporary fixation
07.09.16 59:48
Secure Equilibria and Assume-guarantee Synthesis
Dynamic games played on game graphs with \omega-regular winning conditions provide the theoretical framework for controller synthesis and multi-process verification.
07.09.16 1:01:34
Predicting the effectiveness of searches
Text retrieval systems are designed to generate a ranking of results deemed relevant to the input query.
07.09.16 1:04:48
AOP for distributed and concurrent applications
Research in Aspect-Oriented Programming focuses on new modularization mechanisms for so-called crosscutting concerns.
07.09.16 1:05:07
Understanding Group Effectiveness in a Newly Formed Online Community
This research in progress study investigates the joint effects of group development and social capital on the effectiveness of a newly formed online community.
07.09.16 1:08:19
Supporting Collaboration through Human-Centered Design
Users often face challenges with collaborative technologies because they are not designed based on a rich understanding of their context of use.  One way to overcome this challenge is to study the
07.09.16 1:17:15
Scaling Laws and Tradeoffs in Peer-to-Peer Live Multimedia Streaming
It is well-known that live multimedia streaming applications operate more efficiently when organized in peer-to-peer (P2P) topologies, since peer upload capacities are utilized to support other
07.09.16 26:04
Conference XP - Virrtual Product Development Team Update
Microsoft Research – 7 сентября 2016, 16:33
07.09.16 1:20:31
The Alice Project: A Different Way to Teach Introductory Computer Science [1/2]
The number of CS majors has declined by 50 percent in the last five years, despite the fact that the projected need for computer scientists continues to grow.
07.09.16 1:11:26
The Trouble With Physics
Theoretical physicist Smolin argues that the study of physics has lost its way in the past two decades, largely because string theory has captured the imagination of both the public and some
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07.09.16 1:15:46
Human Detection and Pose from Images and Videos
Joint work with Navneet Dalal and Ankur Agarwal. I'll give an overview of some of our work on human detection and human motion estimation.
07.09.16 56:24
The Role of Skill in Internet Use
Today's college students have constant access to information and communication technologies. Yet we know very little about how students are incorporating digital media into their everyday lives.
07.09.16 8:12
Conference XP Brasil Report
Microsoft Research – 7 сентября 2016, 16:32
07.09.16 55:16
Learn about Woodland Park ZooΓÇÖs successful programs protecting wildlife
Join us for an informational Giving Campaign Lunch: Hear from our Conservation Director and Zoomazium Program Director See cool animals! Learn about the challenge match to double your gift!
07.09.16 52:43
Low distortion embeddings for edit distance
We show a computationally efficient low distortion embedding of the binary cube endowed with edit distance into $\ell_1$.
07.09.16 1:11:31
Energy and Bandwidth Efficiency in Wireless Networks
In this talk we consider the bandwidth efficiency and energy efficiency of wireless ad hoc networks.  Energy consumption of the receiver necessary to process each coded bit is considered as well as
07.09.16 1:10:08
How Helpful is Network Coding?
With network coding, intermediate nodes between the source and the receivers of an end-to-end communication session are not only capable of relaying and replicating data messages, but also of coding
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07.09.16 1:28:22
A Data-Oriented Networking Architecture; RCP: Congestion Control to Minimize Download Time [1/8]
Talk 1: The current Internet was designed around a host-to-host communication model, but the vast majority of Internet usage today is data access.
07.09.16 1:04:34
Visual Recognition and Tracking for Perceptive Interfaces
Devices should be perceptive, and respond directly to their human user and/or environment.
07.09.16 1:02:21
Leaving Microsoft To Change The World [1/2]
For nearly a decade, John Wood rode the '90's tech boom to a leadership position at Microsoft where he had
07.09.16 56:11
Filtering of a Group Delay Equalized Delta-Sigma Modulated Envelope Signal in an EER Architecture
The polar RF transmitter architecture, Kahn Envelope Elimination and Restoration (EER), aims at achieving linearity, while amplifying non-constant envelope signals efficiently by means of switch
07.09.16 1:32:54
P2P Live Streaming: Practice and Theory
With the widespread adoption of broadband residential access, live video streaming may be the next disruptive IP communication technology.
07.09.16 1:29:13
Attacks On and From P2P File-Sharing Systems
Many popular file-sharing systems have been the targets of massive attack.
07.09.16 55:16
Microsoft Research: turning ideas into reality for 15 years - Keynote and Demos
Experience the latest technology in research areas such as surface computing, augmented cognition and visualization and get a glimpse into future computing scenarios.
07.09.16 1:00:07
The Global Challenge: Giving Students the Tools and Confidence to Solve Global Problems - Together
The Global Challenge, recently sponsored by the National Science Foundation ITEST program, supports young women and minority high school students to develop the knowledge, skills and personal vision
07.09.16 1:04:16
Supporting Introspection: From Circuits to Software
Modern computer systems are called on to deal with billions of events every second, whether they are instructions executed, memory locations accessed, or packets forwarded.
07.09.16 1:08:41
Event-Driven Simultaneous Compilation
The coming wave of multi-core, multithreaded processors will create a parallelism crisis.  That is, the performance potential of these processors will only be realized when we can find sufficient
07.09.16 1:08:45
Ethane: A Protection Architecture for Enterprise Networks [1/5]
Connectivity in enterprise networks is provided by technologies not designed to offer protection.
07.09.16 1:11:47
IP Network Traffic Matrix Inference and Anomaly Detection
I will describe progress in IP network traffic matrix inference, arguably one of the most important technical problems in the engineering and management of large-scale IP networks.   In
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